May 22, 1951 Fairfield Boy, 3, Killed By A Bulldog
Fairfield-A three year old boy was killed Sunday by a bulldog, described as having been friendly with children.
Fred William Mills, 3, of Mascoutah, IL, was found unconscious, his throat ripped open, an ear chewed off and his face bitten badly. The bulldog tied up, was not molesting the child when he was found.
The attack occurred in the farm yard of his step-grandparents, Mr. and Mrs R.S. Menefee, ten miles northwest of Fairfield. The child was visiting them with his mother and step father, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Menefee.
The step father testified at a coroner's inquest that no outcry nor barking was heard. He said the mother missed the boy and all started looking for him.
Meriden Record; May 22, 1951
Sep 08, 1946 Waukegan Bulldogs Fight; One Man Dead
Waukegan - A fight which involved two bulldogs, their boy owners and the fathers of the boys left one man dead today and another in jail facing a murder charge. Neighbors of the participants gave police the following account of the brawl:
After dinner last night, Howard Moon jr., 6, left his home to take his bulldog for a walk. About the same time, Harry Christian, 13, stepped from his nearby house with his bulldog. The dogs tangled and the boys started arguing.
Attracted by the noise, Moon's father, Howard Moon sr., rushed from his residence, kicked Christian's dog and slapped the Christian boy, according to police.
Oscar Strean, a one-armed cab driver who was attracted by the noise, protested the slapping and his son, William, and ex-GI, shoved Moon backward over a nearby bicycle.
Moon got up but was hit by Timothy Christian, 45, father of Harry. Moon never regained consciousness. He died in Victory Memorial Hospital early today. Christian was taken to jail.
San Diego Union, September 8, 1946, p. 62
May 27, 1931 Chicago Pet Bulldog's Attack Fatal to Woman
Chicago - Mrs. Mary Loretta Watson died today of wounds she suffered Monday night when her pet bulldog, Jeff, attacked her.
The dog, a pet in the family for five years, became infuriated when Mrs. Watson took a bone from it. The dog clamped its jaws on her leg, pulling her to the floor and then slashed and tugged at her body for half an hour.
Two neighbor boys tried to beat the dog off but a policeman had to shoot it before Mrs. Watson could be removed to hospital.
Read more:
Spokane Daily Chronicle, May 27, 1931
Register-Republic, May 27, 1931, p. 12
The dog, a pet in the family for five years, became infuriated when Mrs. Watson took a bone from it. The dog clamped its jaws on her leg, pulling her to the floor and then slashed and tugged at her body for half an hour.
Two neighbor boys tried to beat the dog off but a policeman had to shoot it before Mrs. Watson could be removed to hospital.
Read more:
Spokane Daily Chronicle, May 27, 1931
Register-Republic, May 27, 1931, p. 12
Sep 20, 1912 Danville Bulldog Mauls 13-year-old Girl
Danville - Anna Wolfe, 13 years old, stepped in front of her little brother to protect him and was badly bitten by a vicious bulldog.
Daily Illinois State Journal, Springfield, IL, p. 5
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All posts labeled "Vermillion Co."
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All posts labeled "Vermillion Co."
Jun 06, 1912 Chicago infant fatally mauled by bulldog
Chicago-Ignatz Obolhusky, 8 months, badly bitten by bulldog owned by F. Vellack in rear of home, 965 Milwaukee ave. Will die.
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Illinois fatal pit bull attacks map by |
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The Day Book, Chicago IL, June 6, 1912
May 22, 1912 Chicago Bulldog Invades School and Attacks 3 Girls
Chicago-Bulldog belonging to Mrs. John Ahlert, 2526 Linden place, ran into basement Darwin School, Catalpa court and Darwin terrace and bit Louise Kittelson, Bernice Templar and Theresa Starf. All under 12 years. Woman refused to let police have dog.
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The Day Book; Chicago IL.; May 22, 1912
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List of Invasion Attacks
These are attacks where the dog invades a home, place of business, occupied building or securely enclosed yard expressly to attack. Attacks in which the pit bull pulls another animal through their fence in an attempt to kill them are also considered invasion attacks. Invasion attacks by dogs other than pit bulls are virtually non-existent.
April 03, 1912 Chicago Pit Bull Attacks 16 Year-Old Girl, Brother Saves her
Brother Rescues Girl From Savage Bulldog
Chicago - A vicious attack by a savage bulldog on a sixteen-year-old girl and a hand-to-hand fight that her brother waged with the beast was one of a series of like occurrences happening in Chicago yesterday... The sixteen-year-old girl victim, who was severely lacerated about the arms and legs is Esther Lahr of 5127 Hutchinson street. The timely intervention of her brother, M.B. Lahr, saved her from more serious injury.
Chicago Examiner April 03, 1912 p. 4
Related Posts:
May 22, 1912 Chicago Bulldog Invades School and Attacks 3 Girls
Jun 23, 1892 Chicago Family English Bull Terrier Kills Child in Terrible Attack
Chicago - A vicious attack by a savage bulldog on a sixteen-year-old girl and a hand-to-hand fight that her brother waged with the beast was one of a series of like occurrences happening in Chicago yesterday... The sixteen-year-old girl victim, who was severely lacerated about the arms and legs is Esther Lahr of 5127 Hutchinson street. The timely intervention of her brother, M.B. Lahr, saved her from more serious injury.
Chicago Examiner April 03, 1912 p. 4
Related Posts:
May 22, 1912 Chicago Bulldog Invades School and Attacks 3 Girls
Jun 23, 1892 Chicago Family English Bull Terrier Kills Child in Terrible Attack
Feb 22, 1912 Carrollton Bulldog Case Soon Tried
Circuit Court to Decide Fate of Mrs. Moore's Bulldog
Carrollton - One of the cases before the circuit court which convenes next week will be that of the city of Carrollton against Mrs. William d. Moore appeal.
Mrs. Moore is the possessor of a large white bulldog with very pugnacious characteristics. He was pronounced "vicious" in a magistrate's court here last fall and the owners were to pay a fine of $50 or to kill the dog.
The case was immediately appealed and "Jim's" trial for life will be finally decided by the circuit judge.
Daily Illinois State Journal, springfield, IL, February 22, 1912, p. 11
Carrollton - One of the cases before the circuit court which convenes next week will be that of the city of Carrollton against Mrs. William d. Moore appeal.
Mrs. Moore is the possessor of a large white bulldog with very pugnacious characteristics. He was pronounced "vicious" in a magistrate's court here last fall and the owners were to pay a fine of $50 or to kill the dog.
The case was immediately appealed and "Jim's" trial for life will be finally decided by the circuit judge.
Daily Illinois State Journal, springfield, IL, February 22, 1912, p. 11
Jan 07, 1912 Danville Judge Rules Pit Bulldog is a Deadly Weapon
Woman Held to Grand Jury Because She Allowed Powerful Canine To Attack Neighbor
Mrs. Cleo Wilson went to the home of Mrs. May Hensley in Grape Creek, looking for trouble. Mrs Hensley, according to the testimony sallied forth, reinforced by a son bearing a club and a powerful bulldog.
Held to Grand Jury
Mrs. Wilson and her witnesses testified that Mrs. Bensley seized her by the hair, the bulldog grabbing by the leg and the boy struck her with the club. She swore out a warrant charging Mrs. Hensley with assault with a deadly weapon to wit, a bullog, and Justice Hall held the defendant to the grand jury.
Daily Illinois State Journal, January 7, 1912
Jul 17, 1911 Peoria Boy Torn By Vicious Bulldog
Peoria - While visiting at his aunt's home to-day, Raymond Stevens, 4 years old, of Chicago, was torn almost to death by a bull dog. His head and body were lacerated.
The boy is at Proctor hospital. Mrs. Stevens pushed her arm in the dog's mouth and was wounded.
Daily Illinois State Register, Springfield, IL, July 17, 1911, p. 1
The boy is at Proctor hospital. Mrs. Stevens pushed her arm in the dog's mouth and was wounded.
Daily Illinois State Register, Springfield, IL, July 17, 1911, p. 1
May 08, 1911 Mount Vernon Bulldog kills 4 year old boy
Mount Vernon - A savage bulldog attacked the 4-year old son of Robert Yearwood and so severely mangled the boy it is not believed he will recover
Read more:
The Daily Register-Gazette, May 08, 1911, p. 1
Oct 26, 1910 Rock Island Visitor Bitten by Bulldog
Rock Island - C. J. Olson of New Windsor was bitten b a Boston bull terrier while walking along Third avenue between Fifteenth and Sixteenth streets. He says that a woman was leading the dog and that the animal snapped his left thumb. He has reported the matter to the police
The Rock Island Argus, Rock Island, IL, October 26, 1910
Rock Island - C. J. Olson of New Windsor was bitten b a Boston bull terrier while walking along Third avenue between Fifteenth and Sixteenth streets. He says that a woman was leading the dog and that the animal snapped his left thumb. He has reported the matter to the police
The Rock Island Argus, Rock Island, IL, October 26, 1910
Jul 20, 1910 Rock Island Bulldog Attacks and Bites Pedestrian
John R. Warner Set Upon by Vicious Animal Near His Home Last Evening
Rock Island - John R. Warner, 2832 Fifth avenue, was set upon by a bulldog last evening and seriously injured, there being three places on his face where the teeth of the canine sank into the flesh. Mr. Warner was walking on Fifth avenue between Twenty-seventh and Twenty-eighth streets when the dog suddenly appeared.
Without warning it sprang at Mr. Warner and tried to get at his throat. The victim turned his head in time to prevent this, however, and the dog's teeth struck the face. Mr. warner defended himself as best he could until rescued from the savage animal, and then he went at once to receive medical attention, fearing that the bites on his face might prove serious.
This morning he entered complaint against the owners of the dog, and the police will probably shoot the animal.
The Rock Island Argus, Rock Island, IL, Jul 20, 1910
John R. Warner Set Upon by Vicious Animal Near His Home Last Evening
Rock Island - John R. Warner, 2832 Fifth avenue, was set upon by a bulldog last evening and seriously injured, there being three places on his face where the teeth of the canine sank into the flesh. Mr. Warner was walking on Fifth avenue between Twenty-seventh and Twenty-eighth streets when the dog suddenly appeared.
Without warning it sprang at Mr. Warner and tried to get at his throat. The victim turned his head in time to prevent this, however, and the dog's teeth struck the face. Mr. warner defended himself as best he could until rescued from the savage animal, and then he went at once to receive medical attention, fearing that the bites on his face might prove serious.
This morning he entered complaint against the owners of the dog, and the police will probably shoot the animal.
The Rock Island Argus, Rock Island, IL, Jul 20, 1910
Jun 14, 1910 Rock Island Alderman McNealy Attacked by a Bulldog
Rock Island - Alderman Martin McNealy, while on the way from his home in the Sixth ward to attend the meeting of the city council last evening, incurred the displeasure of a bulldog belonging to Ben Mitchell. The canine attacked the alderman while he was walking along Seventh avenue and before the argument ceased the Sixth ward councilman had received a slight laceration of the right ankle and his trousers were mutilated. Mr. McNealy hurried to the city hall, where there was an examination of the wound at the city laboratory by Health Commissioner A. N. Mueller. There will be no serious result from the bite of the dog.
The Rock Island Argus, Rock Island, IL, June 14, 1910
The Rock Island Argus, Rock Island, IL, June 14, 1910
May 26, 1910 Springfield Boy Bitten By a Vicious Bulldog
Springfield - Allen Warren, the 9-year-old son of Mr. and mrs. Joseph Warren, 851 South Illinois street, who was bitten by a vicious bulldog Tuesday afternoon as he was coming home from school, is somewhat improved in condition and if blood poison does not intervene will soon recover.
Daily Illinois State Journal, Springfield IL, May 26, 1910, p. 13
Daily Illinois State Journal, Springfield IL, May 26, 1910, p. 13
May 11, 1910 Chicago Bulldogs Fatally Attacked an Old Lady
Chicago - With her face, throat, arms and body lacerated by the bits of two bulldogs, Mrs. Mary Ryan, 72 years of age, was reported dying in Grace hospital today.
When neighbors reached her one of the dogs was tearing at the aged woman's throat, while the fangs of the other were buried in her arm.
Related posts:
Illinois Fatal Pit Bull Attacks
When neighbors reached her one of the dogs was tearing at the aged woman's throat, while the fangs of the other were buried in her arm.
Related posts:
Illinois Fatal Pit Bull Attacks
Apr 27, 1910 A Chicago Girl's Kick Kills a Bulldog
With One Blow From Her Boot She Kills A Bulldog
Chicago - With one kick of her right foot Mildred Wilson, of West Randolph street, this morning broke the neck of a large bulldog that attacked her on the way home from a nearby store. Miss Wilson, who is a slender girl, 10 years old, has been practicing stage dancing, and to this she gives the credit of having been able to ward off the attacks of the animal.
She was returning from the store with her harms full of bundles when the dog rushed at her. She jumped to one side. Before the dog could attack her again, Miss Wilson was prepared, and as the animal jumped, she swung her right foot, which was encased in a heavy walking shoe, against the dog's chin, much in the manner in which a football player kicks a goal.
The dog gave an agonized yelp and dropped in its tracks dead. No sooner had the girl realized what she had done than she began to cry out of sympathy for the animal that attacked her.
Baltimore American, Baltimore, MD, April 27, 1910, p. 1
With One Blow From Her Boot She Kills A Bulldog
Chicago - With one kick of her right foot Mildred Wilson, of West Randolph street, this morning broke the neck of a large bulldog that attacked her on the way home from a nearby store. Miss Wilson, who is a slender girl, 10 years old, has been practicing stage dancing, and to this she gives the credit of having been able to ward off the attacks of the animal.
She was returning from the store with her harms full of bundles when the dog rushed at her. She jumped to one side. Before the dog could attack her again, Miss Wilson was prepared, and as the animal jumped, she swung her right foot, which was encased in a heavy walking shoe, against the dog's chin, much in the manner in which a football player kicks a goal.
The dog gave an agonized yelp and dropped in its tracks dead. No sooner had the girl realized what she had done than she began to cry out of sympathy for the animal that attacked her.
Baltimore American, Baltimore, MD, April 27, 1910, p. 1
Apr 01, 1910 Bulldog Attacks a Jersey Cow at Peoria
Latter, Chained to a Stake, So Badly Mangled It Will Probably Die
Peoria - A vicious bulldog belonging to william Stege attacked a fine jersey cow, also the property of Stege, yesterday and before he could be torn from his victim had literally torn the unfortunate beast to pieces. When finally the dog was dragged away the cow presented a shocking appearance. The animal's hide was torn into strips, its entrails were protruding in places and all the flesh had been stripped from its legs. The lot in which the cow had been tethered looked like a slaughter house so bathed was it in crimson gore and the cow lay stretched on the ground, a heap of mangled flesh. The cow was tethered in a vacant lot near the Stege house and was peacefully cropping grass when a small mongrel pup chanced along and began barking at the animal. This excited the bulldog which, without warning, suddenly leaped at the cow and began its murderous attack. The dog was shot and the cow will probably die.
The Rock Island Argus, Rock Island, IL, April 1, 1910, p. 6
Latter, Chained to a Stake, So Badly Mangled It Will Probably Die
Peoria - A vicious bulldog belonging to william Stege attacked a fine jersey cow, also the property of Stege, yesterday and before he could be torn from his victim had literally torn the unfortunate beast to pieces. When finally the dog was dragged away the cow presented a shocking appearance. The animal's hide was torn into strips, its entrails were protruding in places and all the flesh had been stripped from its legs. The lot in which the cow had been tethered looked like a slaughter house so bathed was it in crimson gore and the cow lay stretched on the ground, a heap of mangled flesh. The cow was tethered in a vacant lot near the Stege house and was peacefully cropping grass when a small mongrel pup chanced along and began barking at the animal. This excited the bulldog which, without warning, suddenly leaped at the cow and began its murderous attack. The dog was shot and the cow will probably die.
The Rock Island Argus, Rock Island, IL, April 1, 1910, p. 6
Mar 24, 1910 Urbana Bulldog Attacks Aged Woman
Ferocious Canine Belonging to Painter at Work on West, Springfield Avenue Bites Mrs. Hank
Urbana - Mrs. Fredrika Hank, aged mother of Mrs. Carrie Busch, 411 West Main street, was attacked by a savage bulldog on West Springfield avenue about 5 o'clock Wednesday evening, but fortunately escaped with slight injury. The animal which belongs to a painter at work on the residence occupied by J.C. Duncan, 709 West Springfield avenue, was lying on the walk in front of the Duncan home when Mrs. Hank passed. The dog spran at her, its teeth tearing through her heavy skirts and lacerating one of her limbs. The owner interfered in time to prevent the beast from pulling her down.
Urbana Daily Courier, Urbana, IL, March 24, 1910, p. 9
Jan 09, 1910 Springfield Man Shoots His Mean Bulldog
Mike Mulosky Pays Fine for Keeping Vicious Animal, But First Slaughters Canine
Springfield - Repenting of his ownership of a mean dog, Mike Mulosky, a miner residing in East Capitol avenue, shot the animal before appearing in Justice Jenkins court yesterday to pay a fine.
Mulosky was arrested Wednesday by Patrolman Holverson, charged with keeping a vicious dog, which is said to have bitten a number of persons residing in the east part of the city. He was notified to appear in Justice Jenkins court yesterday, and announced when in court that he had killed his dog, a valuable bulldog, in order to avoid further trouble. He paid a fine of $7.10 and was released.
Alex Massavige, a miner living near Mulosky, was also arrested by Patrolman Holverson for the same offense. Massavige will be given a hearing Monday.
Daily Illinois State Journal, springfield, IL, January 09, 1910, p. 12
Springfield - Repenting of his ownership of a mean dog, Mike Mulosky, a miner residing in East Capitol avenue, shot the animal before appearing in Justice Jenkins court yesterday to pay a fine.
Mulosky was arrested Wednesday by Patrolman Holverson, charged with keeping a vicious dog, which is said to have bitten a number of persons residing in the east part of the city. He was notified to appear in Justice Jenkins court yesterday, and announced when in court that he had killed his dog, a valuable bulldog, in order to avoid further trouble. He paid a fine of $7.10 and was released.
Alex Massavige, a miner living near Mulosky, was also arrested by Patrolman Holverson for the same offense. Massavige will be given a hearing Monday.
Daily Illinois State Journal, springfield, IL, January 09, 1910, p. 12
Sep 15, 1909 Cherry Valley Woman Severely Bitten by Bulldog
Mrs. Emory James, Formerly of Winnebago Bitten by Bulldog at Cherry Valley
Cherry Valley - Mrs Emory James, formerly of this place, but who recently moved to Cherry Valley, was severely bitten by a vicious bulldog last week. Mrs. James and her pet terrier dog were on the lawn, when espie by the bulldog across the street, which immediately attacked the small dog. Mrs. James in trying to save her pet had her hand terribly lacerated, the flesh being laid open to the bone. She was forced to leave go her hold, whereupon the bulldog literally tore the small dog to ribbons. Mrs James has had her hand treated daily by a physician, hoping to avert serious consequences.
Rockford Republic, Rockford, IL, September 09, 1909
Mrs. Emory James, Formerly of Winnebago Bitten by Bulldog at Cherry Valley
Cherry Valley - Mrs Emory James, formerly of this place, but who recently moved to Cherry Valley, was severely bitten by a vicious bulldog last week. Mrs. James and her pet terrier dog were on the lawn, when espie by the bulldog across the street, which immediately attacked the small dog. Mrs. James in trying to save her pet had her hand terribly lacerated, the flesh being laid open to the bone. She was forced to leave go her hold, whereupon the bulldog literally tore the small dog to ribbons. Mrs James has had her hand treated daily by a physician, hoping to avert serious consequences.
Rockford Republic, Rockford, IL, September 09, 1909
Jun 16, 1909 Quincy: Big Bulldog Attacks Boy
Richard McCormick's Arms and Legs Lacerated When He Jumped Fence
Quincy - Richard McCormick, aged 16, of 626 Vine street, was attacked by a bulldog yesterday morning and the teeth of the brute so badly lacerated his arm and leg that the services of a physician were needed to staunch the flow of blood and dress the wounds.
It appears that the boy had been sent to the home of Ed Kiggins, 627 Oak street, for the purpose of borrowing a rake, and approaching from the rear, umped over the fence, alighting almost upon the dog, which attacked him at once. His screams and the fierce snarling of the dog brought assistance, but not before he had been injured.
Dr. Baker, who is attending the boy, says that the wounds are of a most serious nature.
Mr. Kiggins, who owned the dog, has notified the police that he has killed him, though the animal was safely tied in the yard at the time and menacing no one.
The Quincy Daily Whig, Quincy, IL, June 16, 1909, p. 4
May 19, 1909 Bulldog Attacks Boy At Belvidere
Vicious Bulldog Attacked Middleton Boy and Police Will Shoot Canine
Belvidere - Following an attack by a big bulldog on a boy named Middleton, about 8 years of age, a couple of policemen this forenoon scoured the neighborhood of Caswell street and East Second looking for the animal with the intention of shooting it. The animal was wary and for some time evaded the officers. The attack on the boy was said to be vicious, and his lip was badly split open by the animal's teeth before the lad could be rescued by his father, who was near.
Republic, May 05, 1909, p. 1
Belvidere - Following an attack by a big bulldog on a boy named Middleton, about 8 years of age, a couple of policemen this forenoon scoured the neighborhood of Caswell street and East Second looking for the animal with the intention of shooting it. The animal was wary and for some time evaded the officers. The attack on the boy was said to be vicious, and his lip was badly split open by the animal's teeth before the lad could be rescued by his father, who was near.
Republic, May 05, 1909, p. 1
Mar 16, 1909 Bulldog Attacks Dog; Owner of Victim Arrested For Stabbing Bulldog
Quincy - John Blickhan, of 817 State street was arrested on a state's warrant charging him with cruelty to animals by Humane Officer John Fowley yesterday afternoon for stabbing a dog with a knife. The incident is alleged to have occurred last Saturday afternoon at Eight and State streets when a dog belonging to Blickhan became involved in a fight with a bulldog belonging to Gerry Hummell, a bartender at Ed Grimmer's saloon on Ohio street. The blickhan dog apparently was getting the worst of the mix-up and to have him from being eaten up by the ferocious bulldog the owner is alleged to have drawn a knife and stabbed the dog belonging to Hummell three times. While the injuries inflicted were not fatal at once, they are reported to have been of a serious nature and many cause the death of the bulldog.
Blickhan was released on bond and his case will come up for a hearing in police court this morning.
The Quincy Daily Whig, Quincy, IL, March 16, 1909, p. 2
Blickhan was released on bond and his case will come up for a hearing in police court this morning.
The Quincy Daily Whig, Quincy, IL, March 16, 1909, p. 2
Jan 08, 1909 Vicious Urbana Bulldog Seriously Mauls a Valuable Shepherd
Urbana - A valuable Shepherd dog belonging to William Manning was attacked by a bull dog on Market street Wednesday evening, and it was up to a police officer to appear on the scene with his revolver to end the fray.
The Shepherd dog was badly chewed up, and to cap the climax a heartless driver ran over the struggling animals with his wagon. The Manning dog was shot to end its misery.
Urbana Daily courrier, Urbana, IL, January 08, 1909, p. 1
The Shepherd dog was badly chewed up, and to cap the climax a heartless driver ran over the struggling animals with his wagon. The Manning dog was shot to end its misery.
Urbana Daily courrier, Urbana, IL, January 08, 1909, p. 1
Nov 23, 1908 "Bat" Nelson Escapes Jail by Ruse at Dogfight
Pins Star on coat When dog Fight Is Raided and Mingles With the Officers
Chicago - After two bull terriers had torn one another for 58 minutes and had been prevented from rushing into the death grapple by Lightweight Champion Nelson, trustees of the village of Burnham, with a dozen armed deputies at their backs, broke into the saloon in which the fight was held.
The 500 spectators jumped to their feet and a wild rush for the doors and windows followed. Several shots were fired into the air by the deputes, but they could not stop the stampede. Though the fight hall was in the second floor of the building, scores of men did not hesitate to drop from the windows one fugitive suffering a broken leg. He was helped into a waiting buggy by companions and was driven rapidly away.
Other men at the ringside made up for the most part of "followers" of sport from Chicago, formed flying wedges and charged trustees and deputes in approved football style (old rules), and broke through the ring of the officers guarding the exits. Then began the helterskelter flight from the village, some getting away in carriages, a few in automobiles and a regular army by foot.
The trustees and deputies, however, did manage to capture nine men, including the proprietors of the saloon, W.C. (Buck) McCormick and J.J. Doyle. They were trundled into a waiting patrol wagon and taken to the West Hammond police station.
Champion Battling Nelson escaped the same fate by what his ring followers might call a neat exhibition of ring generalship. When the scramble began the Battler bethought himself of a deputy's star presented to him by an admirer in Mexico last year. Pinning this to his coat he mingled with the raiders and finally slipped from the place unobserved. A warrant for his arrest, however, is said to have been issued.
According to the village trustees, Burnham has been a center for championship dog fights in the last few months, and today's affair was a climax. The dogs, a white bull terrier and a brindle, owned by M.J. Murphy and Pat Conroy of the stockyards district, had been matched for a heavy purse, and there was considerable betting on the result. Shortly before 4 o'clock in the afternoon sentinels posted by the trustees observed groups of men working their way toward the saloon, and by 5 o'clock it was estimated that there were nearly 600 persons in the building. Then the doors were closed and the fight began. For nearly an hour ht ebattle continued.
Finally, after 56 minutes of this terrific work, the battle was halted for a minute. But the owners had bet $500 on the result, and both insisted that the fight go on. Time was called and the brindle rushed at the white terrier which waited the attack in his corner. The terrier secured what appeared to be a fatal grip and slowly forced his opponent to the floor. Still no sign of mercy from the corner of either owner.
But Champion Nelson, thought backing the losing dog heavily, decided to end matters. He had fought many gruelling battles himself and grimly had taken terrible beltings, but he could nto stand that dog fight. The pugilist jumped on the stage and insisted that the referee separate the dogs. Just as he did so the raiders broke in and the stampede began. When the owner of the defeated dog started to drag him from the canvas the half dying brute turned on the man and fastened his teeth in his leg.
The trustee who led the raid said las night that the willage board had determined to end the dog fighting in that district.
"Such a fight as that which occurred today is a disgrace to the comunity." he said, "and the authorities will see that all the prisoners are punished to the limit."
The San Francisco Call., San Francisco, CA, Nobember 23, 1908, p. 11
Chicago - After two bull terriers had torn one another for 58 minutes and had been prevented from rushing into the death grapple by Lightweight Champion Nelson, trustees of the village of Burnham, with a dozen armed deputies at their backs, broke into the saloon in which the fight was held.
The 500 spectators jumped to their feet and a wild rush for the doors and windows followed. Several shots were fired into the air by the deputes, but they could not stop the stampede. Though the fight hall was in the second floor of the building, scores of men did not hesitate to drop from the windows one fugitive suffering a broken leg. He was helped into a waiting buggy by companions and was driven rapidly away.
Other men at the ringside made up for the most part of "followers" of sport from Chicago, formed flying wedges and charged trustees and deputes in approved football style (old rules), and broke through the ring of the officers guarding the exits. Then began the helterskelter flight from the village, some getting away in carriages, a few in automobiles and a regular army by foot.
The trustees and deputies, however, did manage to capture nine men, including the proprietors of the saloon, W.C. (Buck) McCormick and J.J. Doyle. They were trundled into a waiting patrol wagon and taken to the West Hammond police station.
Champion Battling Nelson escaped the same fate by what his ring followers might call a neat exhibition of ring generalship. When the scramble began the Battler bethought himself of a deputy's star presented to him by an admirer in Mexico last year. Pinning this to his coat he mingled with the raiders and finally slipped from the place unobserved. A warrant for his arrest, however, is said to have been issued.
According to the village trustees, Burnham has been a center for championship dog fights in the last few months, and today's affair was a climax. The dogs, a white bull terrier and a brindle, owned by M.J. Murphy and Pat Conroy of the stockyards district, had been matched for a heavy purse, and there was considerable betting on the result. Shortly before 4 o'clock in the afternoon sentinels posted by the trustees observed groups of men working their way toward the saloon, and by 5 o'clock it was estimated that there were nearly 600 persons in the building. Then the doors were closed and the fight began. For nearly an hour ht ebattle continued.
Finally, after 56 minutes of this terrific work, the battle was halted for a minute. But the owners had bet $500 on the result, and both insisted that the fight go on. Time was called and the brindle rushed at the white terrier which waited the attack in his corner. The terrier secured what appeared to be a fatal grip and slowly forced his opponent to the floor. Still no sign of mercy from the corner of either owner.
But Champion Nelson, thought backing the losing dog heavily, decided to end matters. He had fought many gruelling battles himself and grimly had taken terrible beltings, but he could nto stand that dog fight. The pugilist jumped on the stage and insisted that the referee separate the dogs. Just as he did so the raiders broke in and the stampede began. When the owner of the defeated dog started to drag him from the canvas the half dying brute turned on the man and fastened his teeth in his leg.
The trustee who led the raid said las night that the willage board had determined to end the dog fighting in that district.
"Such a fight as that which occurred today is a disgrace to the comunity." he said, "and the authorities will see that all the prisoners are punished to the limit."
The San Francisco Call., San Francisco, CA, Nobember 23, 1908, p. 11
Aug 29, 1908 Rockford Pit Bull Knifed to Stop Attack on Pug
Attracts largest Crowd of the Season -- Huge Bull Attacks Inoffensive Pug and Nearly Kills It -- Separated Once by Attorney Nelson, Owner of Pug Slashes Bulldog With A Knife.
Rockford - More excitement was shown at the corner of State and North Church Streets this noon than has been developed before along the street for many a day. A boy and a man were walking past the McNair drug store with a little dog, half pug and half dachshund, when a large white bulldog set upon the inoffensive canine and secured a strangle hold upon its throat. The screams of the little boy to whom the victim belonged attracted a large crowd and Attorney N.P. Nelson wrenched the larger dog loose. The owner of the pug, however, did not get his animal beyond reach and the bull was at him again in a second. The crowd hid the fight from view and the cries of the boy made it appear that a serious accident had happened.
The owner of the pug slashed at the bull with a knife and both dogs were finally parted bleeding profusely. The little dog had a badly chewed ear and an open gash on at the breast, but will probably not suffer serious consequences, while the assaulting animal got the worst of it after all. The sympathy of the crowd was entirely with the owners of the pug and they would have been better pleased to se the vicious animal killed outright. It is said that the white bull belongs to a man who has an office on West State Street over a store not far from where the fight occurred and that i is continually fighting with other dogs. That the animal is dangerous is the general opinion of those whose sympathies were aroused by the sorrow of the little boy over his pet.
Rockford Republic, Rockford, IL, August 29, 1908, p. 6
Rockford - More excitement was shown at the corner of State and North Church Streets this noon than has been developed before along the street for many a day. A boy and a man were walking past the McNair drug store with a little dog, half pug and half dachshund, when a large white bulldog set upon the inoffensive canine and secured a strangle hold upon its throat. The screams of the little boy to whom the victim belonged attracted a large crowd and Attorney N.P. Nelson wrenched the larger dog loose. The owner of the pug, however, did not get his animal beyond reach and the bull was at him again in a second. The crowd hid the fight from view and the cries of the boy made it appear that a serious accident had happened.
The owner of the pug slashed at the bull with a knife and both dogs were finally parted bleeding profusely. The little dog had a badly chewed ear and an open gash on at the breast, but will probably not suffer serious consequences, while the assaulting animal got the worst of it after all. The sympathy of the crowd was entirely with the owners of the pug and they would have been better pleased to se the vicious animal killed outright. It is said that the white bull belongs to a man who has an office on West State Street over a store not far from where the fight occurred and that i is continually fighting with other dogs. That the animal is dangerous is the general opinion of those whose sympathies were aroused by the sorrow of the little boy over his pet.
Rockford Republic, Rockford, IL, August 29, 1908, p. 6
Jul 26, 1908 Springfield Bulldog Attacks Small Dog
Vicious Animal Belong to Dan Hayes Causes Trouble on Seventh Street.
Springfield - When Dan Hayes allowed his vicious bulldog to attack a small canine near Seventh and Jefferson streets last night he endangered the safety of several women and babies who were in the vicinity of the encounter. The police escorted Hayes and his bulldog to the city prison and gave both berths behind lock and key.
A number of women and children were occupying the sidewalk near Gehlman's barn and were playing with a small dog belonging to John Guyott when Hayes came along with a vicious fighting dog in leash. After he had passed the crowd Hayes turned his dog loose and allowed it to attack the smaller canine. The big bulldog bit the smaller one in the most cruel and bloodthirsty manner and Hayes made no effort to call his brute off.
In the struggle the two dogs fell among the women and children and several had narrow escapes. Not until the small dog had been nearly killed was Hayes induced to draw off his animal. Hayes has a local reputation as a fighter and owing to his condition it was thought best to put him behind the bars for the night. A warrant charging cruelty to animals will be sworn out against him tomorrow.
Daily Illinois State Journal, Springfield, IL, July 26, 1908, p. 4
Springfield - When Dan Hayes allowed his vicious bulldog to attack a small canine near Seventh and Jefferson streets last night he endangered the safety of several women and babies who were in the vicinity of the encounter. The police escorted Hayes and his bulldog to the city prison and gave both berths behind lock and key.
A number of women and children were occupying the sidewalk near Gehlman's barn and were playing with a small dog belonging to John Guyott when Hayes came along with a vicious fighting dog in leash. After he had passed the crowd Hayes turned his dog loose and allowed it to attack the smaller canine. The big bulldog bit the smaller one in the most cruel and bloodthirsty manner and Hayes made no effort to call his brute off.
In the struggle the two dogs fell among the women and children and several had narrow escapes. Not until the small dog had been nearly killed was Hayes induced to draw off his animal. Hayes has a local reputation as a fighter and owing to his condition it was thought best to put him behind the bars for the night. A warrant charging cruelty to animals will be sworn out against him tomorrow.
Daily Illinois State Journal, Springfield, IL, July 26, 1908, p. 4
May 20, 1908 Belleville Man Was Attacked By A Bulldog
Belleville - John Brello, an Italian, was attacked by a bulldog while walking along the rock road on Tuesday evening and severely bitten about the shoulder and breast. Other persons who were close by assisted Brello in routing the canine.
Belleville News Democrat, Belleville, IL, May 20, 1908, vol. 53, issue 120, p.4
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Belleville IL, was a lovely place for Children in 1908 There is no need for pit bulls |
Feb 15, 1908 Quincy Bulldog Bites Man in the Face
Christ Meyer at Blessing Hospital, Seriously Injured in Encounter with a Bulldog
Quincy - Christ Meyer, who resides on Twenty-seventh street, was bitten in the face by D.N. Wisherd's bull dog, last evening, about 5 o'clock and is now at Blessing hospital under the care of a physician.
Meyer, who is in the habit of making daily visits to Wisherd's oyster house on North Sixth street to gather up the refuse from the oyster pails and the celery stock, came toards the office last evening, in the rear of which the dog and her seven little puppies are quartered. The old dog objected to the intrusion and sprang into Meyer's face, tearing out a piece of his upper lip, lacerating the bridge of his nose and the right cheek under the eye. Dr. Knapheide dressed the injuries and the patient was removed to the hospital.
Meyer Sued Wisherd for $2,000 dollars. The progress of the suit was reported on throughout the year, but the jury's judgment was not reported.
Quincy Daily Journal, Quincy, IL, February 15, 1908, p.2
Quincy - Christ Meyer, who resides on Twenty-seventh street, was bitten in the face by D.N. Wisherd's bull dog, last evening, about 5 o'clock and is now at Blessing hospital under the care of a physician.
Meyer, who is in the habit of making daily visits to Wisherd's oyster house on North Sixth street to gather up the refuse from the oyster pails and the celery stock, came toards the office last evening, in the rear of which the dog and her seven little puppies are quartered. The old dog objected to the intrusion and sprang into Meyer's face, tearing out a piece of his upper lip, lacerating the bridge of his nose and the right cheek under the eye. Dr. Knapheide dressed the injuries and the patient was removed to the hospital.
Meyer Sued Wisherd for $2,000 dollars. The progress of the suit was reported on throughout the year, but the jury's judgment was not reported.
Quincy Daily Journal, Quincy, IL, February 15, 1908, p.2
Nov 08, 1907 Waukegan Bulldog Almost Chews Off Chicago Boxer's Ear
Waukegan - Packey McFarland, the Chicago fighter, who is to meet Kid Herman at Davenport on Nov.21, had his ear almost chewed off yesterday afternoon at the farm of William Gee, near Waukegan.
Gee's prize bulldog cornered Packey under a house where Packey had gone to capture a fancy pig.
As a result of the accident, Harry Gilmore, Packey's manager, says the boxer will have to cease boxing in his training for about a week to allow the wound to heal. He says it will positively not interfere with the Herman fight, although he fears the accident may prove a serious handicap.
Denver Post, Denver, CO, November 8, 1907, p. 12
Rockford Republic, Rockford, IL, November 8, 1907, p. 5
Gee's prize bulldog cornered Packey under a house where Packey had gone to capture a fancy pig.
As a result of the accident, Harry Gilmore, Packey's manager, says the boxer will have to cease boxing in his training for about a week to allow the wound to heal. He says it will positively not interfere with the Herman fight, although he fears the accident may prove a serious handicap.
Denver Post, Denver, CO, November 8, 1907, p. 12
Rockford Republic, Rockford, IL, November 8, 1907, p. 5
Jan 09, 1907 Waukegan Man Shoots Bulldog to Protect his Dog
Waukegan - The case of Miss Miriam Besley, superintendent of schools, against Attorney S.H. Kennedy, in which Miss Besley sought to recover the value of her bulldog, which was going to kill his dog in a fight, resulted today in a verdict of $25 for Miss Besley. She hired four law firms. Kennedy had one lawyer besides himself. Ten witnesses were examined, including prominent society women who testified as to the dead dog's disposition.
The Inter Ocean, Chicago, IL, January 9, 1907, p. 10
The Inter Ocean, Chicago, IL, January 9, 1907, p. 10
Oct 02, 1906 Rockford Pit Bulldog Stabbed for Attacking Small Dog
Bull dog, Getting the Better of Smaller One, Is Killed
Rockford - A bull dog belonging to Ed Hartnett was stabbed to death yesterday morning at the corner of Avon and State streets, it is said, by a man owning a smaller dog which the bull dog had encountered. Seeing that the larger dog was getting the better of the smaller and threatened the latter. The man is said to have drawn his knife and stuck the dog in the throat, causing it to bleed to death soon after.
Morning Star, September 14, 1906, Rockford, IL, p. 2
Rockford - A bull dog belonging to Ed Hartnett was stabbed to death yesterday morning at the corner of Avon and State streets, it is said, by a man owning a smaller dog which the bull dog had encountered. Seeing that the larger dog was getting the better of the smaller and threatened the latter. The man is said to have drawn his knife and stuck the dog in the throat, causing it to bleed to death soon after.
Morning Star, September 14, 1906, Rockford, IL, p. 2
Sep 14, 1906 Rockford Bulldog Severely Bites Boy
Rockford - Lee Drew, the 14 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Drew of North Dixon, was severely bitten Tuesday by a vicious bull dog belonging to Charles Hennessy. Mr. Hennessy disposed of the dog immediately after the accident.
Daily Register Gazette, September 14, 1906, Rockford, IL, p. 4
Daily Register Gazette, September 14, 1906, Rockford, IL, p. 4
Aug 18, 1906 Rockford Bulldog Bites Off Man's Nose
Rockford - H.H. Brannan, the photographer, is carrying a white bandage on the end of his nose, showing that a surgeon has been tinkering with the organ. The necessity for the surgeon's stitches and ointment is due to the fact that Mr. Brannan was playing with a bull dog owned by Roy R. Curtis, and blew into the dog's face. The dog resented the action and grabbed hold of the endi of Mr. Brannan's nose. The teeth not only penetrated into the nose, but the end is missing and a considerable portion of the cuticle is also gone. At any rate the action of the dog has postponed Mr. Brannan's visit to Freeport. He will remain here for a few days.
Rockford Republic, August 18, 1906, Rockford, IL, p. 6
Rockford Republic, August 18, 1906, Rockford, IL, p. 6
Sep 07, 1906 Rockford Bulldog Attacks Man on His Wheel
Rockford - A gentleman riding his wheel on East State Street this noon was attacked when in front of the Axt store by a bull dog which nipped him slightly. Efforts to capture the offending canine or locate its master were unsuccessful.
Rockford Republic, September 07, 1906, Rockford, IL, p. 4
Rockford Republic, September 07, 1906, Rockford, IL, p. 4
Apr 18, 1906 Rockford: Steward Shot Vicious Bulldog
That Bit Wheelman - Emmett McCarty Suffered Badly Lacerated Leg as Result of Dog From Rural District Mistaking His Place
Rockford - Emmett McCarty, 312 South Church Street, is today limping as the result of an encounter with a vicious dog and counts himself fortunate that it did not result more seriously. The wound was almost immediately cauterized by Dr. Walker but the youth will be compelled to keep in close touch with the physician for a few days at least until the danger is assuredly over.
McCarty is 12 years old and was riding his bicycle down South Main Street yesterday afternoon when a bulldog belonging to Mrs. E.H. Stickles who resides on Rural Route No. 2 ran out at him from the Stickles rig which was tied in front of the Schuelin store and buried his teeth in the boy's leg. The animal had just previously chased another bicyclist who made a good escape.
Officer Stewart awaited the return of Mrs. Stickles and told her that the animal would have to be shot. The brute was taken to the station and an end was put to his cussedness by the officer. In the country such animals are common and do not seem to be controlled but it won't work in the city as owners of these vicious canines are likely to discover.
Rockford Republic, April 18, 1906, Rockford IL, p. 5
Feb 13, 1906 Dogfighting illegal in Rockford
Twenty two years before this article was printed in the Rockford Republic, another Rockford paper, the Rockford Daily Gazette, printed an epic poem about the majesty of pit bulldogs and dogfighting.
Rockford - Whoever shall keep or use, or in any way be connected with or interested in the management of, or shall receive money for the admission of any person to any place kept or used for the purpose of fighting or baiting any bull, bear, dog, cock or other creature, and every person who shall engage, encourage, aid or assist therein, or who shall permit or suffer any place to be so kept or used, and every person who shall visit such place to be so kept or used, or who shall be found therein, shall be fined not less than $3 nor more than $200.
Rockford Republic (Rockford, IL) February 13, 1906, pg 1
Related post:
Jan 16, 1884 Rockford IL Loves the Real Pit Bull
Jan 29, 1906 Days after Pit Bulldogs Banned, Frat Boys' Bulldogs are Shot
Champaign - Bruiser, Jack Crill's popular and well known bulldog was badly shot today by an unknown person. The dog received the full charge of someone's shotgun and may not recover.
This seems to be the first sign of the general attack upon bulldogs at the University of Illinois. The council of administration have barred bull dogs from the campus and it is thought by many that Crill's dog may have been shot by the university police. The action of the council came as the result of several recent exhibitions of viciousness on the part of the bulldogs. Mrs. Laura Riley, a colored domestic at the Delta Upsilon house, is still in the hospital as the result of an attack by one of these dogs. Dr. C. G. Hopkins was the victim of an attacky by one of these pets, while another dog was detected in the act of killing a pig on the university farm.
The students at Illinois are very much opposed to this action and declare they will have bulldogs. Every fraternity house in town has a dog and many of the students.
The mysterious shooting of pedigreed bulldogs belonging to the Kappa Sigma and Alpha Tau Omega fraternities following the faculty edict prohibiting the pets from being taken on the University of Illinois campus has created a big stir here.
Feeling runs high among the societies which were at first disposed to resign their pets peaceably, and they have called a meeting to adopt protective measures. Detectives will be engaged to spy out the dog shooters. Crill's dog is well known in Rockford.
Rockford Republic (Rockford, IL) January 29, 1906, p. 2
This seems to be the first sign of the general attack upon bulldogs at the University of Illinois. The council of administration have barred bull dogs from the campus and it is thought by many that Crill's dog may have been shot by the university police. The action of the council came as the result of several recent exhibitions of viciousness on the part of the bulldogs. Mrs. Laura Riley, a colored domestic at the Delta Upsilon house, is still in the hospital as the result of an attack by one of these dogs. Dr. C. G. Hopkins was the victim of an attacky by one of these pets, while another dog was detected in the act of killing a pig on the university farm.
The students at Illinois are very much opposed to this action and declare they will have bulldogs. Every fraternity house in town has a dog and many of the students.
The mysterious shooting of pedigreed bulldogs belonging to the Kappa Sigma and Alpha Tau Omega fraternities following the faculty edict prohibiting the pets from being taken on the University of Illinois campus has created a big stir here.
Feeling runs high among the societies which were at first disposed to resign their pets peaceably, and they have called a meeting to adopt protective measures. Detectives will be engaged to spy out the dog shooters. Crill's dog is well known in Rockford.
Rockford Republic (Rockford, IL) January 29, 1906, p. 2
Jan 25, 1906 Pit bulls banned from University of Illinois in Champaign, IL
"Safety before Bull dogs"
Have you seen the vintage pit bull photos that are supposed to prove that pit bulls were considered great pets a long time ago? Among them, you find many photos of pit bulls and related breeds as mascots for fraternities.*
This is obviously a fine idea since college students in general and frat boys especially have always been regarded as paragons of restraint, responsibility and wise judgment.
In 1905, an enterprising Champaign Illinois breeder recognized the frat boys' need for bull dog gaiety and marketed his bull dogs to University of Illinois college students.
Alas, just one year later the U of I administrators put the kibosh on pit bulls' contribution to the gaiety of college life by instituting a ban on pit bulldogs. Need we even ask why? As surely as night follows day, after bull dogs became popular with U of I college students, the university experienced a series of maulings on campus.
January 25, 1906:
And in an article the next day:
And the day after that, in another article, the resolution was printed which said in part:
*Please note that the same pit bull advocates who claim no one can identify a pit bull, have no problem identifying pit bulls in photos that are sometimes 100 years old.
Read more:
Council Bars Bull Dogs, Daily Illini, Jan 25, 1906Council Bars Bull Dogs, Daily Illini, Jan 26, 1906
Bulldogs, Daily Illini, Jan. 27, 1906.
Related posts:
Feb 13, 1906 Dogfighting Ruled Illegal in Rockford
Jan 29, 1906 Days after Pit Bulldogs Banned, Frat Boys' Bulldogs are Shot
Have you seen the vintage pit bull photos that are supposed to prove that pit bulls were considered great pets a long time ago? Among them, you find many photos of pit bulls and related breeds as mascots for fraternities.*
This is obviously a fine idea since college students in general and frat boys especially have always been regarded as paragons of restraint, responsibility and wise judgment.
In 1905, an enterprising Champaign Illinois breeder recognized the frat boys' need for bull dog gaiety and marketed his bull dogs to University of Illinois college students.
Alas, just one year later the U of I administrators put the kibosh on pit bulls' contribution to the gaiety of college life by instituting a ban on pit bulldogs. Need we even ask why? As surely as night follows day, after bull dogs became popular with U of I college students, the university experienced a series of maulings on campus.
January 25, 1906:
The University Council Tuesday evening practically eliminate bull dogs as a feature of student life when it formulated a rule forbidding the presence of these dogs at any time on the campus. It was also decided to ask students not to keep these dogs and arrangements were made to petition the city councils of Urbana and Champaign to exclude the animals from the two cities.
The action of the council came as the result of several recent exhibitions of viciousness on the part of the bull dogs. Mrs. Laura Riley, a colored domestic at the Delta Upsilon house, is still in the hospital as the result of an attack by one of these dogs. Dr. C.G. Hopkins was the victim of an attack by one of these pets, while another was detected in the act of killing a pig on the University farm.
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Dr. C.G. Hopkins, one of the bull dog victims,established an experimental crop program at U of I in the 1890s that still exists today |
The accidents which have occurred within a very short time have tended to show the danger of having such dogs around, hence the action of the council. There is no doubt but what these dogs are more vicious than any other species, and the council has probably worked in the interests of the people at large by putting on the ban although it may work hardship upon some who own these dogs as pets and have become attached to them. We are all interested in the welfare of all members of the University community and are willing to do all in our power to make things as safe as possible. If bull dogs are unsafe and vicious, as they seem to have proven themselves within the last few weeks, let us get rid of them. Let us get some other kind of dog. Safety before bull dogs.
And the day after that, in another article, the resolution was printed which said in part:
The bull dog is essentially a dangerous animal, and when kept under present conditions it constitutes a perpetual menace to human life. Enough accidents have already happened to admonish all thinking men that women and children are entirely unsafe under present conditions.Days after the resolution was enacted, two fraternity mascot pit bulldogs were shot by unknown people. Bruiser, a pit bulldog, described as being "popular and well known" and owned by a football and baseball star and son of a prominent Rockford family, Jack Crill, was one of those dogs. The frat boys suspect campus police of the shootings. A month later, Crill's home town of Rockford enacts a ban on dogfighting and all animal fighting and baiting.
*Please note that the same pit bull advocates who claim no one can identify a pit bull, have no problem identifying pit bulls in photos that are sometimes 100 years old.
Read more:
Council Bars Bull Dogs, Daily Illini, Jan 25, 1906Council Bars Bull Dogs, Daily Illini, Jan 26, 1906
Bulldogs, Daily Illini, Jan. 27, 1906.
Related posts:
Feb 13, 1906 Dogfighting Ruled Illegal in Rockford
Jan 29, 1906 Days after Pit Bulldogs Banned, Frat Boys' Bulldogs are Shot
Jan 17, 1906 Rockford Pit Bulldog Attacks Boy; Shot to Stop Attack
Dog Takes Firm Grip on Calf of Leg and Has to be Pried Loose - Robert Bates' Nine-year-old Boy at the City Hospital
Rockford - Last evening Frank, the nine-year-old son of Robert W. Bates, of Kishwaukee Street, was badly bitten in his own home by a vicious bulldog belonging to a friend of the father.
The animal's owner was visiting at the house and Frank accidentally stepped on the dog's paw as it lay outstretched on the floor. This enraged the beast, which sprang at the boy and fastened its teeth in the calf of his leg, the jaws meeting.
The animal was shot at once and the injured lad hurried to the hospita, where Dr. Tuite is attending him. It is not believed that ill results will follow this painful injury.
Rockford Republic, January 17, 1906, Rockford IL, p. 1
This is one of the first of over a hundred pit bulls shot to stop an attack in Illinois.
Related posts:
Nov 10, 1905 Urbana: Loose Bull Dogs Fight Each Other on Downtown Street
Here is a Job For the Urbana Police
Urbana - The wrong of letting bulldogs run upon downtown streets unless they are properly chained was again exemplified Friday morning by a repulsive fight between two great dogs of the bull variety, corner Main and Market streets. The vicious animals both had a death grip on each other and it was a difficult task to separate them. This was not a nice exhibition by any means on the downtown corner.
If we are not mistaken there is a city ordinance making the owner of a vicious dog responsible for allowing the animal to run unchained upon the streets, where it may attack smaller and less harmless (sic) dogs, and perhaps kill them. Bulldogs have no business running loose in the business portion and it is the duty of the police to see that whatever law exists regarding this matter is rigidly enforced. That bulldog fight should awaken the officers to the fact that their vigilance is needed in this line.
Jul 08, 1905 Chicago Baby is Killed by a Bulldog
Chicago -Yvonne Davis, eighteen months old, was killed yesterday by a bulldog owned by her father. The little girl was playing with a ball, which rolled near the dog, and when she went to pick it up the dog knocked her down and fastened its teeth in her face.
Paul Korinortz, a neighbor, beat the dog with an iron bar and fired eight bullets into its body, but it still retained its grip on the child. After the dog was dead, it was found necessary to pry its jaws apart in order to release the girl. She died in ten minutes.
Read more:
The Evening News, San Jose, CA, July 08, 1905, p. 1
Paul Korinortz, a neighbor, beat the dog with an iron bar and fired eight bullets into its body, but it still retained its grip on the child. After the dog was dead, it was found necessary to pry its jaws apart in order to release the girl. She died in ten minutes.
Read more:
The Evening News, San Jose, CA, July 08, 1905, p. 1
Jan 17, 1905 Jacksonville Man Severely Bitten by Bulldog
Jacksonville - Charles Robers, a prominent coal dealer of this city, was severely bitten on the hand by a bulldog Saturday night while trying to part the animal and another engaged in a desperate fight. The injury is not considered dangerous.
Daily Illinois State Journal, Springfield, IL, January 17, 1905, p. 2
Daily Illinois State Journal, Springfield, IL, January 17, 1905, p. 2
Mar 20, 1904 Waukegan Bulldog owners charged $50 for bite damages
Waukegan - "We, the jury, find the defendant guilty as charged and assess the damages at $50 and costs."
Such, in effect, was the verdict read in circuit court this morning in the damage suit against Kohl brothers' bulldog, Nero, charged with biting Clara Lauckner of Lake Zurich. Mr. Kohl smiled and Nero wagged his tail as if understanding that he was not to be put to death.
The suit was for $1,000 damages, and it was expected the dog would have to give up his life.
Grand forks Daily Herald (Grand Forks, ND) March 20, 1904, p. 1
Such, in effect, was the verdict read in circuit court this morning in the damage suit against Kohl brothers' bulldog, Nero, charged with biting Clara Lauckner of Lake Zurich. Mr. Kohl smiled and Nero wagged his tail as if understanding that he was not to be put to death.
The suit was for $1,000 damages, and it was expected the dog would have to give up his life.
Grand forks Daily Herald (Grand Forks, ND) March 20, 1904, p. 1
Nov 05, 1903 Rockford Man Bitten By Bulldog
Has Owner Arrested
J.W.Field Complains of Dog Owned by
Leonard Ross
Rockford - J.W. Field swore out a warrant for the arrest of Leonard Ross with the ownership of a bull dog with biting proclivities. Mr. Field alleges that the bull dog has bitten him twice and his aim is to guard against a third attack by having the carnivorous animal put out of business.Daily Register Gazette (Rockford, IL) November 5, 1903
Aug 16 1901 Springfield Sheriff's wife killed by bulldog
Mrs. M. A. Baxter, Relief Corps Chief, Dying at Illinois Home
Springfield - Mrs. Martha A. Baxter, wife of former Sheriff Baxter and state president of the Women's Relief corps, auxiliary to the Grand Army of the Republic, is dying at her home in Pawnee from injuries received in an attack by a bull dog.
Mrs. Baxter received her injuries in a heroic attempt to protect a 10-year-old boy. Accompanied by the lad, she entered a neighbor's yard last Friday to call on a sick friend. The dog made a rush for the boy and Mrs. Baxter drew the child aside and exposed herself to the brute. She was knocked down and bitten in a frightful manner. She would probably have been killed on the spot but for the interference of a villager who was attracted by her screams and choked off the infuriated brute.

Read more:
Quincy Daily Journal, Aug. 12, 1901, p. 3
Quincy Daily Journal, Aug 15, 1901, p. 3
Quincy Daily Whig, Aug 16, 1901, p. 2
Springfield - Mrs. Martha A. Baxter, wife of former Sheriff Baxter and state president of the Women's Relief corps, auxiliary to the Grand Army of the Republic, is dying at her home in Pawnee from injuries received in an attack by a bull dog.
Mrs. Baxter received her injuries in a heroic attempt to protect a 10-year-old boy. Accompanied by the lad, she entered a neighbor's yard last Friday to call on a sick friend. The dog made a rush for the boy and Mrs. Baxter drew the child aside and exposed herself to the brute. She was knocked down and bitten in a frightful manner. She would probably have been killed on the spot but for the interference of a villager who was attracted by her screams and choked off the infuriated brute.

Read more:
Quincy Daily Journal, Aug. 12, 1901, p. 3
Quincy Daily Journal, Aug 15, 1901, p. 3
Quincy Daily Whig, Aug 16, 1901, p. 2
Sep 23, 1900 Chicago Dogfighters - The Farmer Brothers Make the Front Page With Fight
This story appeared in the Sunday Chicago Tribune, front page, right under the masthead. This story mentions that "Alderman McCormick" attended this dogfight who was apparently a city official from the most prominent family in the city at the time. People knew that pit bulls were fighting dogs back in 1900.
Because he was not satisfied with the referee’s decision of a dogfight at Blue Island yesterday afternoon, Joseph Farmer, whose dog was held to be the loser, shot the stake money out of Referee William I. Delihant’s hand, took it, and drove away with his brother, William. A lot of disgusted men then returned to Chicago, having lost the money they had wagered on the contest.
The fight, which took place in Bruno’s place, west of the village, had lasted seventeen minutes and was exceedingly savage. It was between White Brandy, owned by the Farmer brothers, the dog fanciers, and Young Duke, owned by Pat Conroy, Fortieth street and Wentworth avenue, and a half dozen sporting men. Young Duke has been consiered the champion of the world, and those present say this dog seemed to have the best of the fight.
After the trouble began, Al Fisk, 3643 South Maplewood avenue, who at one time fought Peter Jackson under the name of Jack King, tried to protect Delihant, and Joseph Farmer, with two revolvers in his hands, fired at Fisk.
One bullet entered Fisk’s left leg and was extracted later by Dr. Seim of Blue Island. The other bullet passed through Fisk’s clothes and grazed the thigh. Neither Delihant’s nor Fisks injuries are considered serious.
The entire affair was characterized as a “holdup” by the men who witnessed it.
Among those who were in the hall were Al Fisk, Tom Kerwin, Alderman McCormick, Tom Gleason, Thomas Dunne, Dave Roach, James Worley, and N.S. Sire. Time was called at 3:05.
The Farmer brothers jumped into a buggy and drove away. The two injured men were taken to Blue Island avenue, where Dr. Glim dressed their wounds. Then the entire contingent returned home.
The Chicago police have been asked to look for Joseph Farmer
Chicago Sunday Tribune, September 23, 1900, p.1
The article refers to "William I. Delihant" instead of "William T. Delihant." The doctors' names at the beginning and at the end of the article are different. It is not clear whether the reporter is referring to two different doctors or if one of the names is a typo.
Read more:
Sep 08, 1895 The Farmer Brothers' Dogfight- Phil Whips Dandy
Dec 24, 1888 Chicago Dogfighters Lose Fingers and Nose in Fight With Each Other
Sep 24, 1888 Chicago The Farmer Brothers Dogfighting Saloon Keepers
Joseph Farmer Objects to William Delihant’s Decision Against White Brandy and Sends a Bullet Into Latter’s Hand, Scattering Money, Which Farmer Then Seizes—Young Duke, Owned by Pat Conroy, Declared to Have Best of Contest
Because he was not satisfied with the referee’s decision of a dogfight at Blue Island yesterday afternoon, Joseph Farmer, whose dog was held to be the loser, shot the stake money out of Referee William I. Delihant’s hand, took it, and drove away with his brother, William. A lot of disgusted men then returned to Chicago, having lost the money they had wagered on the contest.
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Chicago Dogfighter and Industrialist William T. Delihant (1859-1929) |
After the trouble began, Al Fisk, 3643 South Maplewood avenue, who at one time fought Peter Jackson under the name of Jack King, tried to protect Delihant, and Joseph Farmer, with two revolvers in his hands, fired at Fisk.
One bullet entered Fisk’s left leg and was extracted later by Dr. Seim of Blue Island. The other bullet passed through Fisk’s clothes and grazed the thigh. Neither Delihant’s nor Fisks injuries are considered serious.
The entire affair was characterized as a “holdup” by the men who witnessed it.
Arrive in Blue Island Early
Shortly after noon delegations of Chicago sports arrived in Blue Island and were taken to Bruno’s place. The fight was for the championship of the world. The twelve-foot-pit had been pitched on the second floor and the hall was filled with men. Spectators were evenly divided as to the merits of the dogs, and $750 had been wagered on the outcome. ![]() |
The dogfighter William T. Delihant served as referee for this fight and was shot in the hand |
The owners of the dogs had placed $200 a side on the result, and this money, in addition to part of the side bets, had been placed in the keeping of Delihant, who resides at 3006 South Forty-first avenue.
Among those who were in the hall were Al Fisk, Tom Kerwin, Alderman McCormick, Tom Gleason, Thomas Dunne, Dave Roach, James Worley, and N.S. Sire. Time was called at 3:05.
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William T. Delihant was the president of a coal company and a Chicago City Alderman attended the event. |
It was a revolting sight which followed. In the pit the two dogs bit and tore each other. The growls and bites seemed to elate the spectators, who urged them on.
“Go it, Duke,” “Tear him, Brandy,” “Kill him,” were cries heard in the hall. Finally even the brute natures of the antagonists began to fall.
Delihant, who refereed the fight, gave it to young Duke. Then the trouble began. Joseph Farmer sprang toward him and covere him with a revolver.
“I want that money,” he exclaimed. “That kind of decision don’t go with me.”
Delihant hesitated and reached for his own revolver. Before he had a chance to draw it, Farmer pulled the trigger. The bullet passed through Delihant’s hand. The money fell to the floor, and Joseph Farmer and his brother gathered up in the scramble which followed.
“Go it, Duke,” “Tear him, Brandy,” “Kill him,” were cries heard in the hall. Finally even the brute natures of the antagonists began to fall.
Delihant, who refereed the fight, gave it to young Duke. Then the trouble began. Joseph Farmer sprang toward him and covere him with a revolver.
“I want that money,” he exclaimed. “That kind of decision don’t go with me.”
Delihant hesitated and reached for his own revolver. Before he had a chance to draw it, Farmer pulled the trigger. The bullet passed through Delihant’s hand. The money fell to the floor, and Joseph Farmer and his brother gathered up in the scramble which followed.
Panic in the Hall
The men who were in the room were panic-stricken. some of them jumped from the windows, while others rushed to the door.
In the meantime, Fisk had reached Delihant’s side and struck William Farmer in the face. Joseph Farmer wrested Delihant’s revolver from his hand, and with a gun in each hand, began to shoot Fisk. Fisk ran out of the rear door and as he reached the yard was struck by one of the balls.
The Farmer brothers jumped into a buggy and drove away. The two injured men were taken to Blue Island avenue, where Dr. Glim dressed their wounds. Then the entire contingent returned home.
The Chicago police have been asked to look for Joseph Farmer
Chicago Sunday Tribune, September 23, 1900, p.1
The article refers to "William I. Delihant" instead of "William T. Delihant." The doctors' names at the beginning and at the end of the article are different. It is not clear whether the reporter is referring to two different doctors or if one of the names is a typo.
Read more:
Sep 08, 1895 The Farmer Brothers' Dogfight- Phil Whips Dandy
Dec 24, 1888 Chicago Dogfighters Lose Fingers and Nose in Fight With Each Other
Sep 24, 1888 Chicago The Farmer Brothers Dogfighting Saloon Keepers
Jul 09, 1900 Rockford Woman Attacked by Bulldog
While returning from her work at the Forest City Knitting Co. a few days ago, the daughter of Pontus Peterson was attacked by a vicious bulldog which was the property of a man residing on Kishwaukee street, near the city limits. The dog, without provocation, tore at the young lady's apparel and becoming embldened, buried his teeth in her shoulder, inflicting a severe wound. Miss Peterson was able to proceed to her home, where she apprised her family of the attack.
Neighbors have entered repeated complaints about the canine, which had an unenviable reputation, even for a dog, and when Mr. Peterson's complaint was added to the list, with its incriminating evidence, Chief Bargren determined to end the animal's career. With that end in view, he dispatched Officer Bunt with his trusty weapon. The doughty policeman located the dog after a wearying search and sent a bullet through its brain. The dog lay down and died.
Oct 08, 1897 Rochelle Large Bulldog Viciously Attacks Small Dog
A small dog belonging to Will Culver was attacked by Foley's large bull dog on the street this morning and the smaller animal was almost chewed to pieces before they could be parted. There is a statute against keeping vicious animals, and this dog is noted for fights, and someone should see to it that the brute is shot.
Daily Register Gazette (Rockford, IL), October 8, 1897, p. 2
Mar 10, 1897 Chicago Pit Bull Used as Weapon Against Police Officer
Savage and Unequal Battle Ends in a Dashing Rescue of Carl H. Erickson by Comrades.
Chicago - John Duff, No. 575 Herndon avenue, with a saw for a weapon and a bulldog as an ally, gave Policeman Carl H. Erickson a warm reception at his house yesterday afternoon when the bluecoat called to advise Duff not to beat his wife.
Mrs. Duff had rushed hatless into the Sheffield Avenue Station a short time before and asked the police to protect her from her husband’s alleged brutality. Then she took reuge in the house of a friend while Erickson went to call on Mr. Duff.
Erickson found Duff in the kitchen with the bulldog, which was chained to a door. He told Duff to cease abusing his wife or he would be arrested. Duff picked up a saw as soon as the bluecoat appeared and threatened to injure him unless he left the house.
“I’ll have no police dictating my family policy,” declared the irate husband.
Erickson announced that unless Mrs. Duff could return home with the assurance that she would not be beaten Duff would have to go to the police station.
Then Duff unchained the bulldog and advanced upon the policeman with the saw. The dog was the first to reach Erickson, and it fastened its teeth in his trousers. Erickson was thrown from his feet, and as he landed on the floor the dog began attacking his face.
Duff ran at Erickson with the saw, and as Erickson was gaining his feet, Duff struck him over the head with the implement.
At the same moment Erickson drew his revolver, and shot Duff in the leg. Then the policeman sank to the floor, stunned by the blow from the daw. Duff jumped upon his prostrate opponent, and wrenched the revolver from his hand. But Erickson soon was rescued.
During this time a number of citizens had been attracted by the trouble, and one of them telephoned the Sheffield Avenue Police Station that a policeman was being murdered.
A patrol wagon containing Lieut. Hutchinson and five policemen responded, and Duff was arrested and the dog killed.
Erickson and Duff were taken to the Alexian Brothers’ Hospital, where an examination of their wounds was made.
A large piece of flesh had been torn form the policeman’s lip, and both his hands lacerated by the bulldog. The wound in his head which was inflicted by the saw was an ugly one, but the skull was not fracutred.
The bullet wound in Duff’s leg was found to be a slight one. After leaving the hospital Duff was locked up on several charges.
Mrs. Duff is expected to appear in Judge Bonnefol’s court against her husband this morning.
The Chicago Daily Tribune, Wednesday March 10, 1897, p. 1
Savage and Unequal Battle Ends in a Dashing Rescue of Carl H. Erickson by Comrades.
Chicago - John Duff, No. 575 Herndon avenue, with a saw for a weapon and a bulldog as an ally, gave Policeman Carl H. Erickson a warm reception at his house yesterday afternoon when the bluecoat called to advise Duff not to beat his wife.
Mrs. Duff had rushed hatless into the Sheffield Avenue Station a short time before and asked the police to protect her from her husband’s alleged brutality. Then she took reuge in the house of a friend while Erickson went to call on Mr. Duff.
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Illustration of Buster Brown's pit bull Tige attacking |
Erickson found Duff in the kitchen with the bulldog, which was chained to a door. He told Duff to cease abusing his wife or he would be arrested. Duff picked up a saw as soon as the bluecoat appeared and threatened to injure him unless he left the house.
“I’ll have no police dictating my family policy,” declared the irate husband.
Erickson announced that unless Mrs. Duff could return home with the assurance that she would not be beaten Duff would have to go to the police station.
Then Duff unchained the bulldog and advanced upon the policeman with the saw. The dog was the first to reach Erickson, and it fastened its teeth in his trousers. Erickson was thrown from his feet, and as he landed on the floor the dog began attacking his face.
Duff ran at Erickson with the saw, and as Erickson was gaining his feet, Duff struck him over the head with the implement.
At the same moment Erickson drew his revolver, and shot Duff in the leg. Then the policeman sank to the floor, stunned by the blow from the daw. Duff jumped upon his prostrate opponent, and wrenched the revolver from his hand. But Erickson soon was rescued.
During this time a number of citizens had been attracted by the trouble, and one of them telephoned the Sheffield Avenue Police Station that a policeman was being murdered.
A patrol wagon containing Lieut. Hutchinson and five policemen responded, and Duff was arrested and the dog killed.
Erickson and Duff were taken to the Alexian Brothers’ Hospital, where an examination of their wounds was made.
A large piece of flesh had been torn form the policeman’s lip, and both his hands lacerated by the bulldog. The wound in his head which was inflicted by the saw was an ugly one, but the skull was not fracutred.
The bullet wound in Duff’s leg was found to be a slight one. After leaving the hospital Duff was locked up on several charges.
Mrs. Duff is expected to appear in Judge Bonnefol’s court against her husband this morning.
The Chicago Daily Tribune, Wednesday March 10, 1897, p. 1
Jan 10, 1897 Quincy Vicious Bull Dog Attacks Boy
A Vicious Bull Dog
Attacks a little boy Named Harwood in Franklin Park
Quincy-W.C. Buchet, who lives on the north side of Maiden Lane, between Third and Fourth street has a vicious bulld dog that should be killed. The dog attacked Roy Harwood, the son of G.W. Harwood, while he was in Franklin park and came very near injuring him very baly. The dog started for the boy's neck, but fortunately got hold of his clothing instead of his flesh. The dog also bit the boy in the neck. Mr. Harwood lives at 620 South Third street street. He notified Buchet to kill the vicious dog, an Buchet would not promise to do so, but promised to keep the dog chained. Mr. Harwood should take steps to put that dog where he will never again bite a child.
Read more:
Quincy Morning Whig, Jan 01, 1897
Jun 12, 1896 Chicago Editorial The Dog Question Again - Pit Bull Problem
The melancholy days have come in which all the dogs of Chicago that walk or un abroad must be muzzled or be shot. We have little doubt that many of them would prefer to be shot; especially the puppies. While the "dog star rages," which we suppose to be concurrently with the muzzling season, the subcommittee that has charge of the work of preparing a new ordinance relative to the keeping of dogs can meditate at leaisure; there is no urgent demand for its report.'
We are of opinion that all that is needed for the safety of society is a stringent law against keeping of harboring savage dogs. There is no need of such in a city. A good house dog is not necessarily a savage beast. It is the dog that barks and arouses a household that the burglar fears. A good toy terrier may be a better defense against house-breakers tha(n) an ugly and vicious bulldog. There are breeds of dogs - Dalmatians, setters, pointers, Danes, mastiffs, and large Irish and Yorkshire terriers that are courageous as well as affectionate, though the terrier is apt to be irritable. Legislate for dogs as men are legislated for; encourage the good and suppress the vile, and all will go well.
Daily Inter Ocean, Chicago IL
Jun 06, 1896 Chicago Editorial The Murderous Bulldog
Within the past two weeks three causes, additional to the multitude theretofore existing, have been assigned in favor of the passage of an act prohibitory of the keeping of bulldogs in any populous district.
In Chicago an engaging child of some three summers was mangled by one of these brutes. She was walking on the street, the animal was led on a leash by a young man, but in the unprovoked ferocity that is characteristic of its race it sprang forward and seized and mangled the infant. Had the attack been made in a solitary neighborhood it is probably that the girl would have been killed, as the boy whose fate we presenty shall narrate was killed. The child was saved from more serious injury by the aid of passers by.
A day or two ago, and in the civilization of Chicago, a fellow infinitely more brutal than the low-grade beasts that he owned, first knocked his wife down, and then set his two bulldogs on her. The poor woman was nearly worried to death before strangers arrived and rescued her from the jaws of the brutes. It is just such fellows as this wife-beater that delight in the company of bulldogs. We do not mean to say that every one who keeps a bulldog is himself a brute; but, as Horace Greeley said, while all Democrats of his day were not horse-thieves, all the horse-thieves were Democrats, so we may say that while not every keeper of a bulldog is brutal, every brutal man delights in the cruel ferocity of bulldogs.
In Racine a 7-year-old boy, returning peacefully from school, was attacked and killed by two bulldogs. When the corpse was found, some hours after the murder, both ears were torn off, one arm devoured, the scalp frightfully lacerated, and an eye scratched out. The bulldogs were tracked to a neighboring barn and found licking their bloody jaws.
There is no rational excuse for the maintenance of such canine monstrosities in any populous district. They are as dangerous as dynamite or smallpox or any other of the minatory things that the police power of municipalities is evoked to repress and eliminate. An ordinance prohibitive of such animals within the city limits is well worthy of the consideration of the council
Daily Inter Ocean, Chicago IL
Read about the awful death of Harry Acklam in Racine Wisconsin that is referred to in this editorial on
The story of Harry Acklam, Murdered by Two Pit Bulls in 1896
In Chicago an engaging child of some three summers was mangled by one of these brutes. She was walking on the street, the animal was led on a leash by a young man, but in the unprovoked ferocity that is characteristic of its race it sprang forward and seized and mangled the infant. Had the attack been made in a solitary neighborhood it is probably that the girl would have been killed, as the boy whose fate we presenty shall narrate was killed. The child was saved from more serious injury by the aid of passers by.
A day or two ago, and in the civilization of Chicago, a fellow infinitely more brutal than the low-grade beasts that he owned, first knocked his wife down, and then set his two bulldogs on her. The poor woman was nearly worried to death before strangers arrived and rescued her from the jaws of the brutes. It is just such fellows as this wife-beater that delight in the company of bulldogs. We do not mean to say that every one who keeps a bulldog is himself a brute; but, as Horace Greeley said, while all Democrats of his day were not horse-thieves, all the horse-thieves were Democrats, so we may say that while not every keeper of a bulldog is brutal, every brutal man delights in the cruel ferocity of bulldogs.
In Racine a 7-year-old boy, returning peacefully from school, was attacked and killed by two bulldogs. When the corpse was found, some hours after the murder, both ears were torn off, one arm devoured, the scalp frightfully lacerated, and an eye scratched out. The bulldogs were tracked to a neighboring barn and found licking their bloody jaws.
There is no rational excuse for the maintenance of such canine monstrosities in any populous district. They are as dangerous as dynamite or smallpox or any other of the minatory things that the police power of municipalities is evoked to repress and eliminate. An ordinance prohibitive of such animals within the city limits is well worthy of the consideration of the council
Daily Inter Ocean, Chicago IL
Read about the awful death of Harry Acklam in Racine Wisconsin that is referred to in this editorial on
The story of Harry Acklam, Murdered by Two Pit Bulls in 1896
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