Here's a hint of the real extent of pit bull attacks on people and their pet dogs. The reported attacks are the few most severe. There are many, many more that occur each and every day.

April 18, 2011
My dog and I were attacked by a gray pitbull on the 2900 block of W.Belmont on 4/14/11 at 6:45 AM. The owner is a white male, possible mid-thirties. I believe he lives in the neighborhood. Any information would be greatly appreciated.
Tim C.
West Horner Park Fixer-Upper
Horrible. I hope you and your dog are ok!
Thanks, Tim!
My dog got attacked by a pitbull two weeks ago, while we were on a walk. The dog jumped the fence of his yard, and the neighbor's yard. I hope you and your dog are ok. Animal Control has been extremely helpful, you may want to call them. 312.747.1412.
@ cc60618
I did contact them. I also gave them a possible address today of where the dog may live, after talking to some neighbors. Was the dog that attacked you a blue/ gray pitbull? I hope you and your dog are ok.
We are doing ok, my dog is only 30 pounds and suffered various puncture wounds, but the owners were able to get their dog off of him. Animal Ark is close by, maybe they have seen this dog? Good luck, such a terrible thing to happen.
4 year Avondale resident
I'm so sorry to hear about your dog! That's horrible. Unfortunately, when it gets nice out this can happen. I live in this area and have not noticed that dog. However, there is a white/tan pitbull in the neighborhood that I've noticed. Every once in a while there are 2 younger hispanic males that walk him around the block south of Belmont between Francisco and Sacramento. I've noticed them taking the dog in front of other dog's houses and having him rile up the dogs. They have also lingered in front of my building which makes me nervous for my dogs. I haven't seen him in a few weeks, but if you spot them be careful.