'“There were blood stains, pieces of skin and other body tissue laying throughout the backyard,” a deputy wrote in his report.'
The girl is reportedly improving.
Instead of shooting the dog when it attacked officers and putting it quickly down, the Great Dane was repeatedly tazed until began to look distressed or "fatigued." Then it suddenly died for "unknown reasons" (heart attack).
Once last year, The Illinois Times reported on the irresponsible owner of bull terriers allowing her bull breeds to attack and run loose. The owner was on the Animal control board!
Here are the serious local dog attacks that The Illinois Times did not report in recent years:
Jan 03, 2013 Springfield Pit bull attacks woman walking her dog
Jul 25, 2012 Springfield woman attacked by pit bull
Feb 04, 2012 Pit bull kills chihuahua in Riverton
Mar 10, 2010 Pit Bull Shot by Police After Attacking Another Dog
Thursday, Oct. 23, 2014
A pittie-ful situation Pit bulls on special at Animal Control
Pity the pit bull. Some see the breed as the devil incarnate, out to ravage men, women and children, not to mention other dogs, with vise-like jaws, lots of teeth and a hair-trigger temperament that has earned it a reputation as the fiercest canine on the planet. Others see a playful, intelligent pooch that’s loyal, wonderful with kids and simply misunderstood by humans.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Dog gone - a friendly pit/lab mix is shot by police when it attacks them. Photo of crying owner and dead pit bull included.
Thursday, Feb. 2, 2006 A dog's life Pit bulls and shepherds and chows — oh my! Being vicious isn'’t easy, and I should know.
A piece written from the perspective of a deemed vicious pit bull that wants us to understand its the owner's fault
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Illinois Times