Springfield - The victim said the two got into a fight and he punched her in the face with a closed fist. She ran outside, but Bocanegra-Flores allegedly grabbed her by the hair and slammed her onto the pavement.
The woman said the pit bull became excited by the attack and started biting her ear and neck.
Police said the dog tore off part of the woman’s ear lobe, which had to be stitched back together.
Read more:
State Journal Register Accessed: 2012-07-26. (Archived by WebCite® at http://www.webcitation.org/69Rnc56IM)
Jul 25, 2012 Galesburg Pit bull attacks mail carrier - Postal official says attack are up and wants city to step in
Galesburg - After city letter carrier Joe Weech was bitten by a pit bull during his delivery route, members of the Galesburg Post Office are hoping the city will take steps to help prevent similar attacks in the future.
It’s not unusual to deal with unruly dogs while delivering mail, Weech said. He averages one or two encounters with dogs per month, although he said he has noticed an upswing in the past few years.
“I’ve had a lot of close calls,” Weech said. “But the dog bites (overall) are getting to be more serious, and I’ve probably faced more dog situations in the last two years than I have in the previous 10.”
Read more:
Register Mail Accessed: 2012-07-25. (Archived by WebCite® at http://www.webcitation.org/69QacR65y)
Related posts:
Oct 08, 2011 Tom Loewy: A plea to put a leash on bad dogs
Aug 16, 2010 Pit Bulls Jump Fence, Attack Girl and Pup
Jan 04, 2010 Galesburg Shelter Wants Mandatory Spay & Neuter for pit bulls' welfare
It’s not unusual to deal with unruly dogs while delivering mail, Weech said. He averages one or two encounters with dogs per month, although he said he has noticed an upswing in the past few years.
“I’ve had a lot of close calls,” Weech said. “But the dog bites (overall) are getting to be more serious, and I’ve probably faced more dog situations in the last two years than I have in the previous 10.”
Read more:
Register Mail Accessed: 2012-07-25. (Archived by WebCite® at http://www.webcitation.org/69QacR65y)
Related posts:
Oct 08, 2011 Tom Loewy: A plea to put a leash on bad dogs
Aug 16, 2010 Pit Bulls Jump Fence, Attack Girl and Pup
Jan 04, 2010 Galesburg Shelter Wants Mandatory Spay & Neuter for pit bulls' welfare
Jul 21, 2012 Pit bulls at large
In Cary, Illinois, the residents must never forget the horror of the Nick Foley attack and town leaders must be proactive in keeping citizens safe.
To the Editor:
An editorial is in order regarding this ongoing reporting about pit bulls. In March, two pit bull-mastiff mix dogs made an unprovoked attack on my elderly collie on my property. I was helpless, and there was nothing I could do with this beast’s head down in my collie and literally shaking her to death.
To the Editor:
An editorial is in order regarding this ongoing reporting about pit bulls. In March, two pit bull-mastiff mix dogs made an unprovoked attack on my elderly collie on my property. I was helpless, and there was nothing I could do with this beast’s head down in my collie and literally shaking her to death.
Instead of it being a crime scene, law enforcement considered the mauling of my collie and her untimely death nothing more than “dogs at large” and a “petty offense.” This is like someone running my dog and I down with their car on the sidewalk and getting a ticket for an illegal lane change.
Tim Sheridan
Read more:
Northwest Herald Accessed: 2012-07-22. (Archived by WebCite® at http://www.webcitation.org/69L4vhsn1)
Related posts:
Jul 17, 2012 Man ticketed in pit bull’s attack on relative in Park Ridge
Park Ridge - Park Ridge police ticketed Maciej Milowicki, 26, of the 900 block of N. Lincoln Ave. for failure to control an animal July 8 after his 42-pound pit bull, “Bubbles,” bit a 30-year-old relative.
The victim’s 10 puncture wounds required a dozen stitches, according to police. Milowicki was given an Aug. 14 adjudication hearing date.
Park Ridge Herald Advocate Accessed: 2012-07-18. (Archived by WebCite® at http://www.webcitation.org/69FWBJDYT)
Jul 13, 2012 Police Shoot, Kill Pit Bull While Breaking Up Illegal Party On West Side
Chicago — A Chicago Police officer shot and killed a dog early Friday, while breaking up a squatters’ party on the city’s West Side.
Officers responded around 12:45 a.m. to an empty storefront in the 3700 block of West Chicago Avenue, on the cusp of the Humboldt Park and East Garfield Park neighborhoods, where an illegal party was in progress.
CBS Local Accessed: 2012-07-16. (Archived by WebCite® at http://www.webcitation.org/69CspBrGQ)
Jul 13, 2012 Deputy destroys pit bull after attack
Roseville — A Warren County deputy on Thursday was forced to destroy a pit bull after the dog attacked him at a residence.
The deputy, who’s name is not being released, responded to a domestic disturbance around 7:30 p.m. Thursday at a residence on South Main Street in Roseville.
The deputy was met at the door of the residence by a pit bull dog, which attacked the deputy and chased him into the street. The deputy was forced to destroy the animal.
Read more:
The Register Mail Accessed: 2012-07-16.(Archived by WebCite® at http://www.webcitation.org/69CrtKvi0)
Jul 13, 2012 Talk of the County Waukegan outlaw pit bulls
Waukegan - In regard to the woman whose dog was killed by a pit bull. A few weeks ago, my son and his dog were attacked by a pit bull when they were out walking in their neighborhood. Luckily, his dog wasn’t killed, but was badly wounded, as well as my son. When is Waukegan going to outlaw anyone having a pit bull in the city?
Read more:
News Sun Accessed: 2012-07-15. (Archived by WebCite® at http://www.webcitation.org/69AWe7tZK)
Read more:
News Sun Accessed: 2012-07-15. (Archived by WebCite® at http://www.webcitation.org/69AWe7tZK)
Jul 14, 2012 Valier man wants pit bull ban-Starts petition
After being charged by a neighborhood dog on two separate occasions, a Franklin County man is working with other concerned residents to circulate a petition asking city officials to take action.
Stephen Stanley, a resident of Valier, plans on circulating the petition addressing aggressive dogs. Stanley intends to present the petition to the Valier Village Board at its July 23 meeting.
The push comes after two incidents in which pit bull dogs in the neighborhood charged Stanley. The first time Stanley was in his own yard; another he was in a neighbor’s driveway. In a separate incident, Stanley witnessed the same dog chase a jogger.
Neighbors, he said, have grown concerned that the aggressive, territorial behavior will eventually turn tragic for one of the neighborhood children or retired elderly residents.
“To me this is an accident waiting to happen,” Stanley said. “I don’t think it’s a matter of if, it’s a matter of when. That’s what bothers me.”
“I’m being threatened in my own yard,” he added. “I have to turn around and look over my shoulder every time I’m in my back yard to see if that dog is on a chain.”
Stanley said he would like to see village officials enact an ordinance barring certain vicious or aggres-sive breeds, but Valier Mayor Marty Buchanan questions the legality of such an ordinance.
Buchanan asked the village attorney to look into an ordinance passed in nearby Sesser, and whether such an ordinance could be implemented in Valier. Buchanan said he was told a breed-specific ordi-nance does not have any teeth and would not hold up in court.
Read more:The Southern
Related posts:
Mar 25, 2014 Morgan County Considering Regulating Pit Bull OwnershipDec 05, 2013 Chicago Tribune: Pit bulls flood shelters, strain rescuers
Jul 14, 2012 Waukegan resident wants pit bull problem solved
Jul 14, 2012 Waukegan resident wants pit bull problem solved
Waukegan - I read The News-sun front page story about the toy poodle mangled by the pit bull. This happened in Waukegan, which of course, is no surprise. How many times is something going to have to happen with pit bulls before the people that have the power to change it, will change it. Waukegan always has to be reactive instead of proactive. I don't understan why they can't do something about all these pit bulls running loose in the city. What's it going to take? A death of a child or an elerly person before the city will finally do something? Get going and do something.
Read more:
Related posts:
Jul 13, 2012 Talk of the County Waukegan outlaw pit bulls
Jul 10, 2012 Waukegan woman’s canine companion killed by pit bull
Mar 08, 2012 Waukegan firefighter has seen several children mauled by the family pit bull
Jul 13, 2012 Marion Pit bull kills little dog
Marion - A pit bull escaped its home, invaded a neighbor's back yard and mauled a small dog named Little D so severely that police officer had to use his weapon to put Little D out of his misery.
Family members said the little dog was was so badly mauled that it was unrecognizable as a dog.
The pit bull has been loose before and the neighborhood is on edge because animal control may return the pit bull to the irresponsible owner after a 10 day quarantine.
Read more:
KFVS Accessed: 2013-05-17. (Archived by WebCite® at http://www.webcitation.org/6Gfrvk5mg)
Jul 10, 2012 Waukegan woman’s canine companion killed by pit bull
“The unfortunate part is people have really become fascinated with owning pit bulls. (Those) irresponsible owners are causing havoc in the city of Waukegan..." -1st ward Alderman Sam Cunningham, 2012
"We deal with dangerous dogs. Waukegan is known for them. Unfortunately, we are a town for pit bulls." - former AC officer Nicole Garza, 2011
The cold shoulder this vicim-owner is receiving from her alderman and animal control is reprehensible. Of course, these photos and comments on Waukegan Animal Control's facebook page might explain why the victim is being treated this way.
Waukegan - Leona Wagner, 76, leashed her toy poodle, Precious, on her front porch and stepped a way for a moment. When she came back, she found her Precious had been mauled and killed by an unleashed pit bull on her own property.
Animal control refuses to reveal what will happen to the pit bull and Wagner's calls to her alderman, Larry Tenpas, went unanswered.
By Illinois statute, this pit bull can and should be declared dangerous because it clearly has behaved in a manner that a reasonable person would believe is a serious threat by entering the victim's property to attack unprovoked. The dog should be impounded, at owner's expense until the dangerous dog investigation is complete.
As difficult as it might be, the owner should be sued for the little the victim is due, for veterinary costs of the cremation, and what little "property value" this sweet little companion animal, Precious, is worth according to the courts. I applaud Ms. Wagner for taking this to the media. Since city officials are too afraid or just callously disregard this problem, every resident of Illinois in a similar circumstance should contact the media, sue the pit bull owners, and keep on animal control to make sure they do their job and designate these pit bulls as dangerous.
Lake County News-Sun Accessed: 2012-07-11. (Archived by WebCite® at http://www.webcitation.org/694xeXHbj)
Jul 09, 2012 Judge Crowder orders pit bull named 'Precious' to remain in custody
Madison County - Madison County Circuit Judge Barbara Crowder on Monday ordered a pit bull to remain in custody of the county Animal Control facility until further order.
Crowder ordered the Gelzinnises to pay for the cost of Precious's incarceration.
A hearing that was set to take place on Monday afternoon was continued by Crowder due to a change in plaintiff's attorneys.
By Christina Stueve
Read more:
The Madison St. Clair Record
Related posts:
The Nature of the Beasts: Illinois pit bull bullies
May 31, 2012 Godfrey pit bull only quarantined after 3 confirmed attacks
Oct 23, 2009 'Precious' the pit bull bit customer's arm, says suit
It is Time, Elgin
Elgin has battled a pit bull problem for over a decade. And for a decade, residents of Elgin have pushed for pit bull regulation. Once again, Elgin leadership has failed to do its job protecting the safety, well-being, and quality of life of Elgin residents.
Danahy reported that Elgin had recorded an astounding 9,901 dog complaint calls between January, 2008 and June 2012. In the last two years, between June 2010 to June 2012, Elgin adjudicated 997 dog-related tickets.
Danahy compared Elgin's dog-related tickets and dog shootings with two other nearby towns.
One of the comparable cities, Aurora, is in many ways very similar to Elgin. Both cities were prosperous turn of the 20th century manufacturing towns. Both went into decline during the second half of the 20th century. Both began revitalizing their downtown areas at the turn of the 21st century. Both have experienced massive population growth in the 21st century, their racial makeup is roughly the same and per capita income is nearly equal to each other and just below the Illinois average. However, Aurora is the second largest city in Illinois with a population that is 30% larger than Elgin's.
In the two year period between June 2010, and June 2012, Elgin adjudicated 218 tickets for dog bites/dangerous behavior and the lion's share of these attacks were pit bull attacks according to Danahy. In a similar 2 year period between January 2010, and December 2011, Aurora issued only 77 tickets for dog bites/attacks.
Since 2008, Elgin police were forced to shoot 23 dogs, 20 of which were pit bulls. In the same time span 8 dogs were shot by Aurora police, 5, possibly 6, of those dogs were pit bulls. Elgin, with a 30% smaller population, wrote 65% more dog bite/aggression tickets and shot 65% more dogs.
Elgin had a full blown pit bull problem back in 2002, a full decade ago. Residents were alarmed back then by the viciousness of attacks, and wanted pit bulls banned.
From the Daily Herald, 2002:
Beside the nearly 10,000 dog related complaints, firefighters being held hostage by grippers, cops shooting dozens of pit bulls, there's also the the officer who was shot while trying to subdue a charging pit bull, the mayor that was attacked by pit bulls and assaulted by their owner days after backing down from supporting BSL, and the raid that caused 21 vicious pit bulls to berserk, attacking police and each other, which forced police to shoot six of them.
This is the situation today despite concerned Elgin citizens and pit bull mauling survivors pushing for bans for a solid decade. Pat DeMoss addressed the board in no uncertain terms:
Someone contacted Best Friend Animal Society in Utah.
You can read what happened after that in a pamphlet describing step-by-step how Best Friends Animal Society will meddle from afar in the business of any city, town, or burg that tries to address the safety issues facing them head on. Ledy VanKavage updated her pamphlet after March 2010 and it now features the city of Elgin as an example of a great success.
Even though people are being attacked, pets are being mauled and killed and pit bulls are being shot at fantastic rates in Elgin, BFAS has the gall to put the spotlight on Elgin as a shining success.
VanKavage's little pamphlet pays lip service to the idea that non-breed specific ordinances improve safety and well-being of people, pets and pit bulls. But given that Elgin is highlighted as the epitome of success, it is clear that lip service is all it is. The only criterion by which Elgin can be judged as success is "we stopped BSL." By public safety, humane and economic criteria Elgin has a pit bull crisis on its hands. It is "hit, git, and split" where BFAS is concerned. They don't have to live in the mess they perpetuated, after all.
The details about what happened in Elgin are in VanKavage's pamphlet, but here are some highlights:
The centerpiece of VanKavage's misinformation campaign is the BSL calculator that she bought from a guy whose URL is "GuerrillaEconomics." He is a statistician for hire; tell him what argument you want to make, and he'll make it with numbers. VanKavage wants to show that BSL is expensive, and he has done just that for her. For his other clients, Guerrilla Economics' John Dunham provides a "methodology and documentation" report to explain where he's getting his numbers, what assumptions he making, how he defines terms and how he arrives at his final numbers. (see Institute for Scrap Recycling Industries Economic Impact Calculator on his clients page and follow links). Any supposed calculator is worthless without this methodology and documentation report. It explains what the numbers mean; it is Dunham "showing his work" just like everybody had to do in math class. And just like a math teacher gives no credit if you don't show your work, his calculators are garbage without these reports.
VanKavage's BSL calculator doesn't come with a methodology and documentation report. Instead, VanKavage and Dunham, put together a piece called Fiscal bite & Breed Discrimination: Utilizing Scientific Advances & Economic Tools in Lobbying which only provides very vague jargon to explain how they arrived at their numbers. They created a "model (that) correlates a wide range of demographic and geographic variables" and "estimated the coefficients across a wide range of available data". Anytime jargon like this is used, if a whole lot of specifics don't immediately follow, one should suspect the writer is not just bad, he's blowing smoke. The specifics are not there.
Since we don't know how he arrived at his calculations, we don't even know what those numbers mean, and we can't argue whether they're right or wrong.* The only category of expense that can be assessed is the cost for DNA testing. Even without knowing what his numbers mean, contrary to whatever the BSL calculator shows, the cost to any city for DNA testing will be zero for two reasons.
First, courts have upheld the constitutionality of BSL and of using visual identification to implement it. Second, no DNA test that identifies pit bulls exists. The Mars test that Ledy Vankavage and friends have used for all their "proof" that no one can identify a pit bull cannot be used to identify a pit bull. In their FAQ section, the Mars company tells us that the test will give back false positive results on pit bulls. In fact, the Mars company specifically states that the test cannot identify a pit bull, and further, the test is not designed to be used on purebred dogs. According to the Mars Wisdom panel website, the company does not authorize the use of their test for enforcing BSL.
There is every indication this BSL calculator is just BS and there is no way to check it out with the information provided by John Dunham and associates. We know the people behind this calculator and all the other information in that pamphlet are lobbying against BSL. Instead of being bullied by pit bull lobbyists who will leave Elgin high and dry once they've gotten their way, Elgin should look to the over 200 communities that have implemented pit bull bans to see how they've gone about it and see what kind of success they've had.
When Miami-Dade county's pit bull ban came up for a vote after 28 years, a prominent pit bull advocate consulted the BSL calculator and boldly addressed the Miami-Dade legislature saying their pit bull ban was costing county residents over $3,000,000 a year to enforce. A county commissioner turned to the animal services director and asked him to verify the astronomical number the BSL calculator came up with for Miami-Dade expenses. The animal services director "pointed out that $3 million was more than the department's entire budget for enforcement, and that pit bulls accounted for two percent of the enforcement expenses." Miami-Dade residents voted overwhelmingly to keep the ban.
Listen to an interview with Don Bauermeister, assistant city attorney from Council Bluffs, Iowa to hear about the success of BSL in his community. He outlines the success in his city with BSL, he addresses supposed costs and legal actions, and the flurry of anger that town leaders will encounter from a minority of people. Then check out this page on Dogsbite.org for some news articles about cities happy with the successes they've had with implementing BSL. It is time to end this decade long pit bull rampage in Elgin and all of Illinois should take heed and work to regulate pit bulls for the physical and economic safety and well-being of Illinois residents.
*A methodology report dated 2012 has been added.
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It's Time |
...In 2004, things were just absolutely out of control. It was every other week or every week we're having some sort of pit bull attack. And people were going to the hospital. We had 29 people sent to the hospital for pit bull attacks. And in the fall of 2004 we enacted a ban and immediately thereafter we saw a lot of success with that.
You gotta convince the City Council or your county government, your board of supervisors, to do what's in the best interest of the community. It will be a very vocal minority of people that will scream and shout and raise all kinds of heck about it. And you'll hear about it from all over the country even. But you still gotta do what's right for your community. And if its protecting kids and adults and innocent victims, again, that's the role of government.Mike Danahey recently revealed the enormity of Elgin's dangerous dog problem in a Courier-News article. Danahey was prompted to look into the problem after Elgin made national news when a pit mix and a presa canario attacked and trapped firefighters inside their fire station. The dangerous dogs were throwing themselves against the glass doors of the firehouse to get to the firefighters forcing police to once again shoot dogs.
Danahy reported that Elgin had recorded an astounding 9,901 dog complaint calls between January, 2008 and June 2012. In the last two years, between June 2010 to June 2012, Elgin adjudicated 997 dog-related tickets.
Danahy compared Elgin's dog-related tickets and dog shootings with two other nearby towns.
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Island Park, Aurora, Illinois |
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Beautiful Festival Park, Elgin, Illinois where a 9 year old boy was attacked by two pit bulls on May 28, 2010 |
Since 2008, Elgin police were forced to shoot 23 dogs, 20 of which were pit bulls. In the same time span 8 dogs were shot by Aurora police, 5, possibly 6, of those dogs were pit bulls. Elgin, with a 30% smaller population, wrote 65% more dog bite/aggression tickets and shot 65% more dogs.
Elgin had a full blown pit bull problem back in 2002, a full decade ago. Residents were alarmed back then by the viciousness of attacks, and wanted pit bulls banned.
From the Daily Herald, 2002:
There's too many dogs that are always running loose without a leash, and my daughter walks outside and gets attacked for no reason," said Simental, who lives on the city's east side. "If you saw that dog going after her throat, you wouldn't want your kids playing outside anymore either." Such violent assaults by pit bulls and other dogs, which started occurring in Elgin's neighborhoods about two years ago, remain common despite ongoing efforts by police to stop them. In fact, such violent incidents appear to be on the rise locally, increasing with the popularity of illegal dog fighting. The city's animal control officer and police have tried to crack down on the owners of dangerous dogs by issuing tickets and fines. They have even arrested a few people they believed were training pit bulls and other dogs to fight. Still, little has proven effective. Authorities say they are now taking a second look at their approach because they've had such a difficult time curbing the problem. And for some, it couldn't happen soon enough. "Personally, I think they need to ban those kind of dogs," Elgin resident Evaughn Thornton said shortly after her puppy, Patches, was killed by a pit bull on the city's east side last month.The combination of Elgin area dogfighters providing the city with weapons grade pit bulls for over a decade and Elgin pit bull owners having been consistently unable or unwilling to sterilize and contain their pit bulls has created a pit bull problem of insane proportions.
Beside the nearly 10,000 dog related complaints, firefighters being held hostage by grippers, cops shooting dozens of pit bulls, there's also the the officer who was shot while trying to subdue a charging pit bull, the mayor that was attacked by pit bulls and assaulted by their owner days after backing down from supporting BSL, and the raid that caused 21 vicious pit bulls to berserk, attacking police and each other, which forced police to shoot six of them.
This is the situation today despite concerned Elgin citizens and pit bull mauling survivors pushing for bans for a solid decade. Pat DeMoss addressed the board in no uncertain terms:
"If you stick your head in the sand on this, it is going to come back to bite you, and I don't mean that as a pun," she told council members.The councilmen did listen to DeMoss and their many other constituents, and they passed pit bull regulation in a preliminary vote in February, 2010:
"Something needs to be done," said Councilman John Prigge, who was joined by fellow council members Robert Gilliam, Mike Warren, and Mayor Ed Schock. "This is the best plan for Elgin and its safety. It treats the cause and effect. It targets the owner and punishes them for bad behavior."Though it seemed Elgin was on its way to protecting their citizens and improving the quality of life in their city in February 2010, just one month later the ordinance was voted down in the final vote. What happened?
Someone contacted Best Friend Animal Society in Utah.
You can read what happened after that in a pamphlet describing step-by-step how Best Friends Animal Society will meddle from afar in the business of any city, town, or burg that tries to address the safety issues facing them head on. Ledy VanKavage updated her pamphlet after March 2010 and it now features the city of Elgin as an example of a great success.
Even though people are being attacked, pets are being mauled and killed and pit bulls are being shot at fantastic rates in Elgin, BFAS has the gall to put the spotlight on Elgin as a shining success.
VanKavage's little pamphlet pays lip service to the idea that non-breed specific ordinances improve safety and well-being of people, pets and pit bulls. But given that Elgin is highlighted as the epitome of success, it is clear that lip service is all it is. The only criterion by which Elgin can be judged as success is "we stopped BSL." By public safety, humane and economic criteria Elgin has a pit bull crisis on its hands. It is "hit, git, and split" where BFAS is concerned. They don't have to live in the mess they perpetuated, after all.
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One of the two pit bulls that attacked a 9 year old boy and were shot at Festival Park in May 2010 |
- Intimidate city leaders with an email from a lawyer promising lawsuits if they move ahead with BSL.
- Intimidate by putting out a call for pit bull lovin' out-of-towners from all over the country to bombard the city council and mayor's office with "polite" emails and phone calls.
- Intimidate by paying for newspaper ads and flyers that enjoin people to contact the mayor and council members. The ads feature the BFAS logo and the city leaders' street addresses. Obviously, publishing street addresses is not for the pit bull advocates' benefit because they use emails and phone calls to contact the city. No, the logo and the street addresses are saying you are not just up against your local pit bull owners. BFAS knows exactly where you live.
- Encourage the spread of misinformation.
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Ad put in paper to bully Elgin city council. Why publish home addresses right above the BFAS logo if you are asking people to make phone calls? |
VanKavage's BSL calculator doesn't come with a methodology and documentation report. Instead, VanKavage and Dunham, put together a piece called Fiscal bite & Breed Discrimination: Utilizing Scientific Advances & Economic Tools in Lobbying which only provides very vague jargon to explain how they arrived at their numbers. They created a "model (that) correlates a wide range of demographic and geographic variables" and "estimated the coefficients across a wide range of available data". Anytime jargon like this is used, if a whole lot of specifics don't immediately follow, one should suspect the writer is not just bad, he's blowing smoke. The specifics are not there.
Since we don't know how he arrived at his calculations, we don't even know what those numbers mean, and we can't argue whether they're right or wrong.* The only category of expense that can be assessed is the cost for DNA testing. Even without knowing what his numbers mean, contrary to whatever the BSL calculator shows, the cost to any city for DNA testing will be zero for two reasons.
First, courts have upheld the constitutionality of BSL and of using visual identification to implement it. Second, no DNA test that identifies pit bulls exists. The Mars test that Ledy Vankavage and friends have used for all their "proof" that no one can identify a pit bull cannot be used to identify a pit bull. In their FAQ section, the Mars company tells us that the test will give back false positive results on pit bulls. In fact, the Mars company specifically states that the test cannot identify a pit bull, and further, the test is not designed to be used on purebred dogs. According to the Mars Wisdom panel website, the company does not authorize the use of their test for enforcing BSL.
There is every indication this BSL calculator is just BS and there is no way to check it out with the information provided by John Dunham and associates. We know the people behind this calculator and all the other information in that pamphlet are lobbying against BSL. Instead of being bullied by pit bull lobbyists who will leave Elgin high and dry once they've gotten their way, Elgin should look to the over 200 communities that have implemented pit bull bans to see how they've gone about it and see what kind of success they've had.
When Miami-Dade county's pit bull ban came up for a vote after 28 years, a prominent pit bull advocate consulted the BSL calculator and boldly addressed the Miami-Dade legislature saying their pit bull ban was costing county residents over $3,000,000 a year to enforce. A county commissioner turned to the animal services director and asked him to verify the astronomical number the BSL calculator came up with for Miami-Dade expenses. The animal services director "pointed out that $3 million was more than the department's entire budget for enforcement, and that pit bulls accounted for two percent of the enforcement expenses." Miami-Dade residents voted overwhelmingly to keep the ban.
Listen to an interview with Don Bauermeister, assistant city attorney from Council Bluffs, Iowa to hear about the success of BSL in his community. He outlines the success in his city with BSL, he addresses supposed costs and legal actions, and the flurry of anger that town leaders will encounter from a minority of people. Then check out this page on Dogsbite.org for some news articles about cities happy with the successes they've had with implementing BSL. It is time to end this decade long pit bull rampage in Elgin and all of Illinois should take heed and work to regulate pit bulls for the physical and economic safety and well-being of Illinois residents.
*A methodology report dated 2012 has been added.
Jul 05, 2012 Owners of pit bull ticketed following Naperville attack
A pit bull that attacked and injured a teenage boy early last week at a home on Naperville’s far southwest side has been designated a “dangerous dog” by police, but will be allowed to continue living with its owners.
Police Sgt. Gregg Bell on Thursday confirmed the owners of the 3-year-old male pit bull have received a municipal “nuisance” citation in connection with the attack, “as well as the animal being declared a ‘dangerous dog’” by city animal control officers.
“With the designator of ‘dangerous dog,’ the owner has to take several precautions,” Bell said in an email. Conditions of continued ownership include “having the dog muzzled whenever the dog is off their property,” Bell said.
By Bill Bird
Naperville Sun Accessed: 2012-07-11. (Archived by WebCite® at http://www.webcitation.org/695Nm5AFz)
Related posts:
Jun 27, 2012 Naperville cops probe pit bull attack on boy
Jul 05, 2012 Roscoe police officer shoots, kills pit bull
After the fourth of July celebrations, animal rescues, shelters and animal controls reported picking up dozens of frightened strays that had been frightened by the fire works, bolted and become lost. That is what normal dogs do. This pit bull, startled by loud bangs coped with its anxiety by attacking people and a dog. Pit bulls are different.
Roscoe - A Roscoe police officer thought a pit bull was about to attack him and possibly nearby Fourth of July revelers Wednesday when he shot and killed the animal, Chief Jamie Evans said.
The officer was responding about 10 p.m. to a report of a woman being attacked by a pit bull in the open backyard of a residence near Talentina Trail and Lemon Grass Lane.
There were reports of as many as two dozen people celebrating the Fourth of July with fireworks in the immediate area.
Evans said the officer discovered a woman struggling with the animal. The owner was walking her dogs on leashes when fireworks may have spooked the animal.
By Jeff Kolkey
Read more:
RR Star Accessed: 2012-07-12. (Archived by WebCite® at http://www.webcitation.org/696ccBXlf)
Jul 03, 2012 Quincy boy recovering after pit bull attack, dog still being sought
UPDATE: A Quincy family wants to prevent what happened to them from happening to someone else.
A Sunday afternoon turned out to be anything but lazy for one 4-year-old boy and his family.
April Walker was taking a friend home at 5th and Sycamore in Quincy.
Her 4-year-old son, Jacob, hopped out of her van when a pit bull came around a house and attacked him out of the blue.
Four-year-old Jacob Walker has 16 to 17 stitches in his face from Sunday's dog attack.
"He just started growling. I was arm-length away from Jacob. No sooner I look back at Jacob, the dog came running at me. It went right through my legs, had Jacob down on the ground. I was trying to grab Jacob and get him away from the dog. I kicked him. I grabbed Jacob in my arms. I threw him over my shoulder. The dog was still trying to grab at him. At that point when he was still trying to grab at him, the indoor was still open, so I put Jacob in the van. I jumped in right behind him, and I shut the van door. I hopped into the driver's seat, and I took Jacob straight to the ER," April Walker said.
Jacob's mother, April, said the dog was running around loose. She said she's not sure what made the dog go after Jacob and not her.
"There was no one else around. Jacob wasn't doing anything. He had just gotten out of the van. I was coming right behind him," she said. "We weren't doing anything to upset this dog, period."
Sep 13, 2010 Dog Attack Prompts QPD to Shoot and Kill Pit Bull
Sep 10, 2010 Arrest Made in Incident When Person was Bitten by Pit Bull
A Sunday afternoon turned out to be anything but lazy for one 4-year-old boy and his family.
April Walker was taking a friend home at 5th and Sycamore in Quincy.
Her 4-year-old son, Jacob, hopped out of her van when a pit bull came around a house and attacked him out of the blue.
Four-year-old Jacob Walker has 16 to 17 stitches in his face from Sunday's dog attack.
"He just started growling. I was arm-length away from Jacob. No sooner I look back at Jacob, the dog came running at me. It went right through my legs, had Jacob down on the ground. I was trying to grab Jacob and get him away from the dog. I kicked him. I grabbed Jacob in my arms. I threw him over my shoulder. The dog was still trying to grab at him. At that point when he was still trying to grab at him, the indoor was still open, so I put Jacob in the van. I jumped in right behind him, and I shut the van door. I hopped into the driver's seat, and I took Jacob straight to the ER," April Walker said.
Jacob's mother, April, said the dog was running around loose. She said she's not sure what made the dog go after Jacob and not her.
"There was no one else around. Jacob wasn't doing anything. He had just gotten out of the van. I was coming right behind him," she said. "We weren't doing anything to upset this dog, period."
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An outrageously predatory attack |
Quincy - A pit bull that attacked a young child Sunday near Fifth and Sycamore has not been found, and authorities are asking local residents to be on the lookout for the dog.
The attack took place at about 4:15 p.m. Sunday. Family members say Jacob Walker, 3, was attacked by the dog as he stood beside his mother, April Walker, and neither did anything to provoke the attack.
By Rodney Hart
Read more:
Quincy Herald Whig
Quincy Herald Whig
Quincy Herald Whig Accessed: 2012-07-03. (Archived by WebCite® at http://www.webcitation.org/68tZ20dXS)
Related posts:
Sep 10, 2010 Arrest Made in Incident When Person was Bitten by Pit Bull
Jul 03, 2012 Suit: Chicago Cop Matthew Bracken failed to stop his pit bull from ‘gruesomely killing’ smaller dog
Officer Ahole has been named and sued.

Chicago - A Chicago Police officer failed to restrain his “vicious” pit bull from mauling and “gruesomely killing” a small dog at Montrose Beach while his owner and children watched, a lawsuit filed Tuesday claims.
When someone tried to stop the March attack, the off-duty officer came over and asked, “Why are you punching my f------ dog?” the suit claims.
MATTHEW J. BRACKEN was named as a defendant in the lawsuit, which seeks more than $200,000 in damages.
related posts:
by Allison Horton
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Chicago Sun Times Accessed: 2012-07-03. (Archived by WebCite® at http://www.webcitation.org/68tVFeOUz)
Related post: Apr 18, 2012 Cop suspended over dog attack at Montrose Beach

Chicago - A Chicago Police officer failed to restrain his “vicious” pit bull from mauling and “gruesomely killing” a small dog at Montrose Beach while his owner and children watched, a lawsuit filed Tuesday claims.
When someone tried to stop the March attack, the off-duty officer came over and asked, “Why are you punching my f------ dog?” the suit claims.
MATTHEW J. BRACKEN was named as a defendant in the lawsuit, which seeks more than $200,000 in damages.
related posts:
by Allison Horton
Read more:
Chicago Sun Times Accessed: 2012-07-03. (Archived by WebCite® at http://www.webcitation.org/68tVFeOUz)
Related post: Apr 18, 2012 Cop suspended over dog attack at Montrose Beach
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