Mar 11, 1886 Chicago Child Torn to Pieces by Bulldog on Street - Fatal Attack

RIP Georgie Johnson - Killed by Chicago Bulldog
Chicago, March 8 - Georgie Johnson, five years old, lies at the point of death, with his face arms and legs torn and lacerated beyond description, the result of a ferocious attack on him by a large white bull-dog, while he was playing, yesterday.  Mr. W.F. Thompson saw the brute attack the child and went to the rescue.  He says he gave up all hope of saving the boy when he reached the spot.  The dog had torn pieces of flesh from the child's arms and legs as he lay screaming on the sidewalk, and, as he came near the bull dog had taken a fresh grip on the face of the boy, to which it clung with the tenacity of its nature.  Mr. Thompson kicked the brute, and used other means to make it loosen its hold, but it was not until he had put a strap around its neck and twisted it until the dog choked, that it let go its deadly grip.  The bleeding and almost unconscious child was taken home and medical assistance summoned, but it is feared that the shock will prove fatal.  An officer hunted up the dog and killed it.

The Eaton Democrat