I reached to scoop up both my dogs and I could only get to one of them, Dori, before the pit went for Bella. I tried blocking with my body and wrestling the dog to keep it away. The pit bull grabbed Bella by the lower torso and had her in its jaws, up in the air.

I screamed for help. the dog owner was no where in sight. A woman stopped her car in the middle of Wing street to help. She is the real hero here and I am so thankful for her bravery in punching this animal down until it released my Bel.
Bella was treated at the ER for extensive bruising, puncture wounds, and pain. Thankfully no broken bones or internal damage. She is recovering and getting better by the day. I pressed criminal charges against the dog owner residing at 766 Wing St.
If anyone witnessed this or if the brave woman who helped me wishes to offer testimony, I would surely appreciate it and like to thank her again. Either way, I'm seeking justice to protect this from happening again to another animal or child.