Mar 21, 2012 When animals attack - Pit bulls lead Chicago Bite counts

Chicago - Last year, the category that accounted for the largest percentage of bite reports was the pit bull, or mixes of that animal, at 26 percent, according to the city's designations for classifying dogs. Types that couldn't be identified made up the second-largest group, at about 19 percent. American pit bull terriers rounded out the top three at 13 percent.

Pit bull type dogs are responsible for 39% of the total 1830 reported animal bites, or 717 bites.

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Mar 21, 2012 Wheatfield Contemplates Dog Ordinances After Many Pit Bull Attacks

Wheatfield - Dog bites continue to plague the Wheatfield area, specifically pit bull attacks.  The Wheatfield Town Council discussed the issue at Thursday’s meeting in front of a standing-room only crowd.
    A patron at the meeting showed the council images of what she alleges her neighbor’s pit bull had done to her dogs as they were in her yard. The pit bull killed one of her dogs, she said. The female patron was concerned as her home is just a few blocks from the school.
    “My children are traumatized and I’m traumatized,” she said.  “These situations can quickly turn from animal on animal to animal on human.”
    Another patron, Brittany Hunter, spoke up about her husband, Michael Hunter, whom she alleged was bitten on the hip on Feb. 26.   The bit broke skin and pierced Michael Hunter’s jeans, she said; jeans that the young married couple showed.
    The dog that bit Michael Hunter was alleged to have been on a leash being walked  by a minor at the time of the dog bite.

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