May 01, 2011 Letter: Thanks for help with menacing dog

Rockford – I was at Searles Park this week walking my dog. A dog was running loose in the park and came charging at me and my dog. It was a pit bull.

I was pretty nervous, so I picked up a big branch and yelled at the dog to get away. Some young Hispanic man saw what was happening and stopped his vehicle and helped chase the dog away.

He chased it down the road so the dog would leave us alone. He got back in his vehicle and chased him out of the park down to the bike track. He was kind enough to come back and make sure I got back to my car and was OK.

I didn’t get his name but would like to thank him for taking the time to help me. It could have turned out a lot different if it wasn’t for him. God bless him.

— Pat Stroup, Rockford

May 01, 2011 Wilmington eyes stronger animal control ordinance

WILMINGTON — City officials are slated to discuss ordinances regulating animal control, with an eye toward possible increases in fines.

Urging quick action, resident Valerie Fox spoke at Tuesday’s city council meeting, saying the dog she gave her friend as a companion dog has been repeatedly attacked by another dog.
“Our dog is a joy — but, he’s terrorized.” During the first attack, her friend received puncture wounds while trying to protect their dog, she said.

“I just want to see this dog removed,” Fox said. She described the dog as a big pit bull terrier/shepherd mix.
“We are working on strengthening the ordinance.”

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